朱利,戴景蕊,石素胜.囊性肾癌的CT 诊断及鉴别诊断[J].中国医学影像技术,2000,16(2):141~143
囊性肾癌的CT 诊断及鉴别诊断
CT Diagnosis and Distinguish of Cystic Renal Carcinoma
中文关键词:  囊性肾癌  CT
英文关键词:Renal carcinoma , cystic  CT
朱利 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所,北京100021 
戴景蕊 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所,北京100021 
石素胜 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所,北京100021 
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      目的 旨在提高囊性肾癌的术前正确诊断率。方法 复习经手术病理证实的囊性肾癌10 例及CT 误诊 囊性肾癌的出血性肾囊肿3 例。结果 典型囊性肾癌诊断正确率高(90 %) 。囊壁及房间隔不规则增厚及囊壁结 节,伴实性成分增强后有强化。囊肿内及囊肿周围肾实质内出现异常软组织影或密度变低为肿瘤另一征象。复杂 肾囊肿术前不能完全与囊性肾癌区别,多种影像方法检查有助区别。结论 CT 在囊性肾癌的诊断及鉴别诊断中是 有价值的常用检查方法;鉴别复杂囊肿仍有困难,结合其他影像检查可提高诊断率;必要时针吸活检或手术治疗。
      Objective To improve ability of pre2operation diagnosis of cystic renal carcinoma. Methods 10 patients with cystic renal carcinoma and 3 patients with hemorrhage cyst (which were mistaken for carcinoma by CT) who pathologically proved were reviewed retrospectively. Results The correct diagnosis of cystic renal cancer is 90 %. The CT findings of tumors are irregular thickening of the cystic wall and interval and substance enhancement after contrast administration and were considered as characteristic. It is another sign as diagnostic cancer that present abnormal or lower density soft tissues inside or around the cyst .Before operation it is difficulty to differ complex cyst from cystic renal cancer ,a few images examination are helpfully. Conclusion The CT is useful way in diagnosis cystic renal cancer. The distinguish between cystic renal cancer and complex cyst are hard to combine other images or thereby close follow up studies or needle aspiration biopsy/ operation might be needed.
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