Echocardiographic grading of decompression sickness in sheep models
投稿时间:2019-08-13  修订日期:2020-06-20
中文关键词:  减压病  超声心动描记术  诊断  山羊
英文关键词:decompression sickness  echocardiography  diagnosis  goats
欧天乐 海军军医大学基础医学院, 上海 200433  
罗静 同济大学附属同济医院医学影像科, 上海 200065  
范启朔 海军军医大学基础医学院, 上海 200433  
夏德萌 海军军医大学附属长海医院急诊科, 上海 200433 demengxia@163.com 
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      目的 以M型超声心动图量化评价减压病羊模型心功能,尝试结合辅助指标进行分层诊断。方法 将16只羊随机分均为4组,A、B、C组模拟轻、中、重度减压病,D组为对照组。采用DWC150型实验舱配合减压方案干预,将压缩空气加压至200 kPa,对A、B、C组分别采用轻、中、重3种减压方案,以200 kPa/min匀速减至常压,模拟减压病情况下环境变化,以M型超声心动图联合辅助评价指标评价心脏功能。结果 实验组减压病发病率为83.33%(10/12),死亡率为33.33%(4/12)。减压2、6、24 h后Tarlov评分降低(F=4.25、4.98、5.67,P均<0.05)。高压暴露6 h后白细胞和血小板降低(t=4.49、30.92,P均<0.05),凝血酶原时间延长(t=-0.56,P<0.05),纤维蛋白原降解产物和D-二聚体含量升高(t=-20.31、-8.15,P均<0.05)。A、B、C组减压后射血分数均下降(F=4.00,P<0.05),舒张期左右心室内径比值(右/左)上升(F=81.31,P<0.05)。结论 采用M型超声心动图可量化评价减压病羊模型,结合辅助指标有助于分层诊断。
      Objective To evaluate cardiac dysfunction of sheep models with decompression sickness with M-mode echocardiography for grading diagnosis combining with auxiliary indexes. Methods Sixteen sheep were randomly divided into group A, B and C simulating mild, moderate and severe decompression sickness and group D (controls, each n=4). DWC150 animal experimental chamber was used to intervene with decompression scheme. Sheep in group A, B and C were compressed to 200 kPa with compressed air in uniform speed and then treated with light, medium and heavy level of atmospheric pressure simulating the environmental changes of decompression sickness in the speed of 200 kPa/min. The cardiac function was evaluated with echocardiography combined with auxiliary evaluation indexes. Results The incidence rate of decompression sickness was 83.33% (10/12), and the mortality rate was 33.33% (4/12) in experimental group. After 2 h, 6 h and 24 h's decompression, Tarlov score reduced (F=4.25, 4.98, 5.67, all P<0.05).The white blood cell count and platelet count decreased (t=4.49, 30.92, both P<0.05), prothrombin time prolonged (t=-0.56, P<0.05), fibrin degradation products and D-dimer content increased (t=-20.31, -8.15, both P<0.05) 6 h after high pressure exposure. After decompression, the ejection fraction in experimental group decreased (F=4.00, P<0.05), while the diastolic ventricular diameter ratio (right/left) increased (F=81.31, P<0.05). Conclusion M-mode echocardiography can be used to grade decompression sickness of sheep models combining with quantitative score and auxiliary evaluation indexes.
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