Evaluation of the effect of coronary artery lesions on left ventricular myocardial movement in early systolic stage with two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging echocardiography
投稿时间:2019-05-08  修订日期:2019-12-10
中文关键词:  冠心病  心肌  运动  超声心动描记术
英文关键词:coronary disease  myocardium  exercise  echocardiography
延东娥 四川大学华西医院心内科, 四川 成都 610000
成都市第一人民医院心功能科, 四川 成都 610000 
高赟 四川大学华西医院内分泌代谢科, 四川 成都 610000  
陈新云 成都市第一人民医院心内科, 四川 成都 610000 cissy1002@126.com 
黎瑶 成都市第一人民医院心功能科, 四川 成都 610000  
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      目的 观察采用二维斑点追踪超声心动图(2D-STE)评估冠状动脉病变对收缩早期左心室心肌运动影响的可行性。方法 将179例接受冠状动脉造影检查的可疑冠心病患者的左心室心肌节段按供血冠状动脉狭窄程度分为对照组(无狭窄)、轻度组(狭窄程度≤ 50%)、中度组(50%<狭窄程度<75%)和重度组(狭窄程度≥ 75%)。采用2D-STE分析各组左心室心肌节段纵向预拉伸峰值应变(LPSS)和圆周预拉伸峰值应变(CPSS)的差异。结果 左心室各层心肌LPSS和CPSS峰值于收缩早期出现,轻度组均最高(P均<0.05),中度组最低(P均<0.05);冠状动脉轻度狭窄时收缩早期左心室心肌拉伸运动加强,随着冠状动脉病变加重而逐渐减弱。结论 2D-STE可无创评估冠状动脉病变对收缩早期左心室心肌运动的影响。
      Objective To explore the feasibility of two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging echocardiography (2D-STE) in evaluation of the impact of coronary artery lesions on left ventricular myocardial movement in early systolic stage. Methods A total of 179 patients with suspected coronary heart disease who underwent coronary angiography were collected, and left ventricular heart sarcomeres of all patients were divided into control group (no stenosis), mild group (stenosis ≤ 50%), moderate group (50% < stenosis degree < 75%) and severe group (stenosis degree ≥ 75%) according to the degree of stenosis in coronary arteries. The longitudinal pre-stretch peak strain (LPSS) and circumferential pre-stretch peak strain (CPSS) of left ventricular heart sarcomeres were obtained with 2D-STE and compared among groups. Results The peak of LPSS and CPSS in each layer of left ventricle appeared in early systole, with the highest in mild group (all P<0.05) and the lowest in moderate group (all P<0.05). When the coronary artery was slightly narrowed, the stretching motion of left ventricular heart sarcomeres was strengthened in early stage of contraction and then gradually weakened with the aggravation of coronary artery disease. Conclusion 2D-STE can non-invasively evaluate the impact of coronary artery lesions on left ventricular myocardial motion in early systolic period.
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