CT and MRI manifestations of jaw odontogenic myxoma
投稿时间:2019-04-24  修订日期:2019-12-18
中文关键词:  颌肿瘤  体层摄影术,X线计算机  磁共振成像
英文关键词:jaw neoplasms  tomography computed, X-ray  magnetic resonance imaging
赵雪 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院放射科, 上海 200011  
王晶波 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院放射科, 上海 200011  
陶晓峰 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院放射科, 上海 200011 cjr.taoxiaofeng@vip.163.com 
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      目的 观察颌骨牙源性黏液瘤(OM)螺旋CT及MRI表现。方法 收集经病理证实的40例颌骨OM患者,回顾性分析其CT及MRI表现。结果 40例OM,平均发病年龄(33.50±13.50)岁;11例病灶位于上颌骨,29例位于下颌骨;CT均见膨胀性骨质破坏,8例骨皮质中断;病灶常见多房伴垂直或成角分隔,分隔朝向肿瘤周边;增强后病灶边缘强化。18例邻近牙齿脱落。5例接受MRI,其中3例T1WI呈均匀等信号,2例呈均匀稍高信号;5例T2WI均呈高信号,内部见低信号线样分隔。2例增强MRI显示病灶边缘强化。结论 颌骨OM的CT表现具有特征性,联合MRI对诊断颌骨OM具有重要意义。
      Objective To investigate spiral CT and MRI manifestations of jaw odontogenic myxoma (OM). Methods Totally 40 patients with OM confirmed by pathology were collected, and their CT and MRI manifestations were retrospectively analyzed. Results The mean age of onset was (33.5±13.5) years. The lesions located in maxilla in 11 patients, while in mandible in 29 patients. CT showed expansive bone destruction in all 40 cases and cortical destruction in 8 cases. Most lesions were multilocular with vertical or angular septations oriented toward the periphery of tumor. The edge of lesions strengthened on enhanced CT. Adjacent teeth exfoliation was observed in 18 cases. Among 5 patients underwent MRI, 3 showed homogeneous equisignal on T1WI and 2 showed homogeneous slightly higher signal. T2WI presented high signal and interior low signal line-like separation. The edge of lesions strengthened on enhanced MRI in 2 cases. Conclusion CT manifestations of jaw OM are of characteristics, which combining with MRI is of great significance in diagnosis of jaw OM.
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