Evaluation of fetal ventriculomegaly: Agreement between fetal brain ultrasonography and MRI
投稿时间:2016-06-23  修订日期:2016-10-23
中文关键词:  胎儿  侧脑室增宽  超声检查  磁共振成像  一致性
英文关键词:Fetus  Ventriculomegaly  Ultrasonography  Magnetic resonance imaging  Agreement
容蓉 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034  
陈倩 北京大学第一医院医学妇产科, 北京 100034  
王霄英 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034  
陈俊雅 北京大学第一医院医学妇产科, 北京 100034  
叶锦棠 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034 13911888124@163.com 
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      目的 评价超声和MRI测量胎儿侧脑室宽度和诊断侧脑室增宽的一致性。方法 回顾性分析200胎胎儿头颅轴位声像图和冠状位MRI测量的双侧侧脑室宽度,评价两种检查方法测量的一致性和诊断侧脑室增宽的一致性(采用κ系数),评价不同MRI医师间测量侧脑室宽度的一致性(采用ICC)。结果 超声和MRI测量侧脑室1(宽度较宽的侧脑室)、侧脑室2(宽度较窄的侧脑室)宽度的一致性很好(ICC=0.98、0.96),超声和MRI诊断侧脑室增宽的一致性很好(κ>0.8)。2名MRI医师测量侧脑室1、侧脑室2宽度的一致性很好(ICC=0.999、0.997)。结论 超声与MRI测量侧脑室宽度和诊断侧脑室增宽具有很好的一致性。
      Objective To evaluate the agreement between ultrasonography and MRI in the measurement of the lateral ventricle diameter and diagnosis of ventriculomegaly. Methods The lateral ventricles diameter was reviewed retrospectively in 200 fetuses. The measurements were performed in the customary plane for each technique:axial plane for ultrasonography and coronal plane for MR imaging. Correlation analysis was performed to assess the agreement between two MRI radiologists and two image modalities using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The agreement of diagnosis of ventriculomegaly between the two image modalities was assessed using the κ coefficient. Results Taking the lateral ventricle with longer diameter as lateral ventricle 1 and the shorter as the lateral ventricle 2, the agreement of the measurement of them between the two image modalities were perfect (ICC=0.98, 0.99). The agreement of diagnosis of ventriculomegaly between the two image modalities were perfect (κ>0.8). The agreement between two MRI radiologists in measurement of lateral ventricle 1 and lateral ventricle 2 were perfect (ICC=0.999, 0.997). Conclusion The agreement are excellent between ultrasonography and MRI in the fetal lateral ventricles measurement and the diagnosis of fetal ventriculomegaly.
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