Arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI in prostate cancer: Optimization of inversion time
投稿时间:2016-06-23  修订日期:2016-11-01
中文关键词:  前列腺肿瘤  磁共振成像  动脉质子自旋标记  灌注成像
英文关键词:Prostatic neoplasms  Magnetic resonance imaging  Arterial spin labeling  Perfusion imaging
李飞宇 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034  
蔡文超 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034  
张晓东 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034  
王霄英 北京大学第一医院医学影像科, 北京 100034 cjr.wangxiaoying@vip.163.com 
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      目的 探讨利用动脉质子自旋标记成像(ASL)技术测量前列腺癌血流量(BF)的可行性,并分析选择不同反转时间(TI)对测量值的影响。方法 对经病理证实为前列腺癌的患者47例进行ASL扫描,TI分别设为1 000、1 200、1 400、1 600 ms,测量并比较前列腺癌区和非癌区的BF平均值。结果 TI为1 000、1 200、1 400、1 600 ms时,前列腺癌区BF值分别为(121.70±22.90)ml/(100 g·min)、(129.65±23.46)ml/(100 g·min)、(126.37±23.77)ml/(100 g·min)、(125.07±22.86)ml/(100 g·min),均明显高于非癌区的BF值。4种不同TI条件下癌区与非癌区BF差值的差异无统计学意义(F=0.87,P=0.24)。结论 ASL成像技术可以用于前列腺癌的血流量测量,不同TI值对前列腺癌区和非癌区BF差值的评估具有影响。
      Objective To investigate the feasibility of noninvasive arterial spin labeling (ASL)to detect the blood flow (BF)in prostate cancer with 4 different inversion times (TI).Methods Forty-seven prostate cancer patients were performed MR scanning with ASL sequenc.BF in the cancerous and noncancerous area in prostate were compared in 4 different inversion times (1 000,1 200,1 400,1 600 ms).Results With the different TI,the mean BF values in the cancerous areas ([121.70±22.90]ml/[100 g·min],[129.65±23.46]ml/[100 g·min],[126.37±23.77]ml/[100 g·min],[125.07±22.86]ml/[100 g·min])were significantly higher than those in the noncancerous regions ([37.76±10.83]ml/(100 g·min),[41.58±10.90]ml/(100 g·min),[43.97±10.81]ml/(100 g·min),[45.46±10.69]ml/(100 g·min);all P<0.01).There was no statistical difference of BF among the four different TI (F=0.87,P=0.24).Conclusion The ASL sequence can be used to evaluate the BF value in prostate cancer,and TI may affect the ability of ASL in detection of prostate cancer.
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