MRI features of intracranial demyelination pseudotumor
投稿时间:2015-11-05  修订日期:2016-04-29
中文关键词:  脱髓鞘疾病  磁共振成像  病理学
英文关键词:Demyelinating diseases  Magnetic resonance imaging  Pathology
张伟 郑州人民医院医学影像科, 河南 郑州 450003 walen2006@sina.com 
刘勇 郑州人民医院医学影像科, 河南 郑州 450003  
薛鹏 郑州人民医院医学影像科, 河南 郑州 450003  
张斯佳 郑州人民医院医学影像科, 河南 郑州 450003  
尚英杰 郑州人民医院医学影像科, 河南 郑州 450003  
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      目的 观察脑内脱髓鞘性假瘤(DPT)的MRI表现。方法 回顾性分析15例经临床或病理学证实的DPT患者的MRI影像资料,并与其临床和病理学检查结果进行对照分析。结果 15例中共检出20个病灶,呈单发(12例)或多发(3例)肿块样病变。19个病灶呈均匀或不均匀长T1长T2信号,其中8个病灶中心可见囊变、坏死区。DWI像上12个病灶呈不均匀高或略高信号。16个病灶呈不同形态明显强化,4个病灶未见强化。3个病灶呈闭环状强化,6个呈典型开环状强化,5个呈“爆裂样”强化,2个呈垂直于侧脑室的“火焰状”强化。结论 DPT的影像学表现与肿瘤相似,但仍具一定特征性,如“开环状”、“爆裂样”或“火焰状”强化。
      Objective To observe the MRI features of intracranial demyelination pseudotumor (DPT). Methods The MRI findings were analyzed retrospectively and comparatively with clinical-pathological information in 15 patients with DPT confirmed by clinic or pathology. Results Twenty lesions which were detected in 15 cases appeared as solitary (n=12) or multiple (n=3) mass. Nineteen lesions showed homogenous or inhomogenous low signal on T1WI and high signal on T2WI. Eight lesions were found with necrosis and cystic areas. On DWI images, 12 lesions showed inhomogenous high or slightly high signal. Totally 16 lesions expressed marked enhancement with different form such as closed-ring (n=3), typical open-ring (n=6), bursting shape (n=5), flamboyancy perpendicular to paracele (n=2). Four lesions were not found with enhancement. Conclusion The imaging features of DPT are similar to tumour but still have certain characteristic such as open-ring, bursting shape and flamboyancy enhancement.
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