Clinic and ultrasound characteristics of hand
indeterminate soft tissue tumors
投稿时间:2015-02-15  修订日期:2015-03-19
中文关键词:  软组织肿瘤    超声检查,多普勒,彩色
英文关键词:Soft tissue tumors  Hand  Ultrasonography, Doppler, color
赵新美 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院超声医学科, 江苏 无锡 214023
李明 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院超声医学科, 江苏 无锡 214023
夏钰弘 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院病理科, 江苏 无锡 214023  
吴鹏西 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院超声医学科, 江苏 无锡 214023
吴鹏西,南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院超声医学科,214023。E-mail: wupx@wuxiph.com 
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       目的 探讨手部不确定性软组织肿瘤的临床及超声特点。方法 回顾性分析38例手部不确定性软组织肿瘤的临床表现、超声检查资料、手术及病理结果,探讨其声像图特点。结果 38例中(共45个肿瘤),肿瘤位于手指、手背、手掌和手腕者分别占57.89%(22/38)、26.32%(10/38)、10.53%(4/38)、5.26%(2/38)。肿瘤最大径为0.5 cm~4.1 cm,平均(1.50±0.80)cm。病理类型为腱鞘巨细胞瘤13例、血管瘤6例、血管平滑肌瘤6例、神经鞘瘤4例、皮肤纤维瘤3例、血管脂肪瘤2例、血管球瘤1例、腱鞘纤维瘤1例、侵袭性血管黏液瘤1例、隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤1例。大部分病变表现为边界清晰、外形规则的实性低回声肿块。肿块内部回声多样性与其病理类型及继发改变有关。结论 手部不确定性软组织肿瘤病理类型繁多,大多数为良性。声像图表现无特异性,不能可靠区分良、恶性肿瘤。超声表现结合临床资料,可对部分肿瘤做出提示性或排除性诊断。
      Objective To explore the clinical and ultrasound features of indeterminate soft tissue tumors of the hand. Methods The clinical manifestations, ultrasound features, surgical findings and pathological results of 38 patients with indeterminate soft tissue tumors of the hand were analyzed retrospectively. Results Totally 38 patients with 45 masses, located in fingers, opisthenars, palms and wrists accounted for 57.89%(22/38), 26.32%(10/38), 10.53%(4/38), 5.26%(2/38), respectively. The diameters ranged from 0.5 cm to 4.1 cm, with mean of (1.50±0.80) cm. Thirteen patients were tenosynovial giant cell tumors, 6 were hemangiomas, 6 were angioleiomyomas, 4 were schwannomas, 3 were dermatofibromas, 2 were vascular lipomas, 1 was glomus tumor, 1 was fibroma of tendon sheath, 1 was aggressive angiomyxoma and 1 was dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Most lesions appeared as well defined, hypoechoic solid masses with regular shape. The internal echo diversity of the mass related to its pathological type and secondary changes. Conclusion The pathological type of indeterminate soft tissue tumors of the hand is varied, the majority are benign. Sonographic appearances are non-specific, and cannot reliably distinguish between benign and malignant tumors. Combination of ultrasonic and clinical findings are helpful to make a suggestive or exclusive diagnosis.
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