Prenatal utrasonographic dagnosis of foot deformities using view of five phalanx-metatarsale-calcaneus fetal pedis
投稿时间:2014-10-15  修订日期:2015-05-10
中文关键词:  足畸形  胎儿  超声,产前  五趾-跖-跟骨足底平面
英文关键词:Foot deformity  Fetus  Ultrasonography, prenatal  View of five phalanx-metatarsale-calcaneus fetal pedis
吕国荣 泉州医学高等专科学校, 福建 泉州 362000
福建医科大学附属第二医院超声科, 福建 泉州 362000 
刘云萍 福建医科大学附属第二医院超声科, 福建 泉州 362000  
吴家祥 泉州医学高等专科学校, 福建 泉州 362000  
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全文下载次数: 735
      目的 探讨产前超声五趾-跖-跟骨足底平面在筛查胎儿足畸形中的价值。方法 连续性选取10 015胎14~40孕周高危胎儿作为研究对象,产前超声检查采用五趾-跖-跟骨足底平面筛查足畸形,并与随访结果进行比较。结果 胎儿足长随孕周增加而增大(F=8.2,P<0.01),单纯先天性马蹄内翻足胎儿的患侧足长变短(χ2=49.1,P <0.01)。五趾-跖-跟骨足底平面超声诊断胎儿足畸形准确率为99.60%(9975/10 015),敏感度为85.29%(116/136),特异度为99.80%(9859/9879),阳性预测值为85.29%(116/136),阴性预测值为99.80%(9859/9879)。结论 五趾-跖-跟骨足底平面可用于胎儿足畸形的产前超声筛查,并可提高诊断水平。
      Objective To explore the clinical value of prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of foot deformities using view of five phalanx-metatarsale-calcaneus fetal pedis. Methods A cross-sectional study was performed on 10 015 high-risk fetuses from 14 to 40 gestational week. The view of five phalanx-metatarsale-calcaneus fetal pedis was used to screen foot deformities. The fetuses were followed up after birth or termination of pregnancy. Results The foot length increased with gestational weeks (F=8.2, P<0.01), the foot length of congenital talipes equinovarus were shorter than that of normal foot (χ2=49.1, P<0.01). The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value using view of five phalanx-metatarsale-calcaneus fetal pedis in diagnosis of foot deformities were 99.60% (9975/10 015), 85.29% (116/136), 99.80% (9859/9879), 85.29% (116/136), 99.80% (9859/9879), respectively. Conclusion The view of five phalanx-metatarsale-calcaneus fetal pedis can be used for the screening and improve prenatal diagnosis of fetal foot deformitises.
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