High frequency ultrasonic observation on impact of recruits training on achilles tendon
投稿时间:2013-09-09  修订日期:2013-11-12
中文关键词:  跟腱  新兵训练  超声检查
英文关键词:Achilles tendon  Recruits training  Ultrasonography
陈建 武警江苏总队医院超声影像中心, 江苏 扬州 225003  
张卫兵 武警江苏总队医院超声影像中心, 江苏 扬州 225003  
颜朝晖 武警江苏总队医院超声影像中心, 江苏 扬州 225003  
刘华 武警江苏总队医院超声影像中心, 江苏 扬州 225003  
李春伶* 武警总医院超声科, 北京 100039 lichunling315@hotmail.com 
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      目的 探讨高频超声评价新兵训练对跟腱影响的价值。方法 对2012年12月入伍的1773名新兵,分别在训练前、训练1个月、训练3个月行肌骨系统高频超声检查,比较跟腱短轴厚度、短轴周长、短轴面积的差异,记录并分析异常情况。结果 双侧跟腱短轴厚度、短轴周长、短轴面积与身高、体质量、体质量指数均无明显相关(P均>0.05)。训练前后双侧跟腱短轴厚度、短轴面积差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05),双侧跟腱短轴周长差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。训练后发生踝关节损伤13例;12例出现跟腱末端区疼痛,6例超声无特殊表现,6例症状重者末端区软组织稍肿胀5例、跟腱钙化1例,无跟腱断裂。结论 高频超声能准确检查跟腱,测量跟腱厚度、短轴面积、短轴周长并及时发现相关训练伤。
      Objective To explore the value of high frequency ultrasound in evaluation on the impact of recruits training on achilles tendon. Methods Totally 1773 soldiers of multiple contingents who joined the army in December 2012 were examined with high frequency ultrasound before and 1 month, 3 months after recruits training. The differences of achilles tendon thickness on short axis, circumference of short axis and area of short axis in different time were compared, and abnormal results were recorded and analyzed. Results There was no significant correlation between achilles tendon thickness on short axis, circumference of short axis, nor area of short axis with height, weight and body mass index (all P>0.05). There were statistical differences in achilles tendon thickness on short axis and area of short axis (all P<0.05), but not in achilles tendon circumference of short axis (P>0.05). Ankle injury was observed in 13 soldiers. Pain in the achilles tendon terminal area occurred in 12, while no special ultrasonic performance was found in 6, but soft tissue slight swelling was detected in achilles tendon terminal area in 5, and achilles tendon calcification was observed in 1 soldier. No achilles tendon rupture was found. Conclusion High-frequency ultrasound can accurately check achilles tendon, measure the thickness on short axis, circumference of short axis and area of short axis, and timely find related infantry.
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