Ultrasonic findings and clinicopathological analysis of 37 patients with plasma cell mastitis
投稿时间:2010-11-05  修订日期:2011-01-10
中文关键词:  乳腺疾病  超声检查
英文关键词:Breast diseases  Ultrasonography
薛勤 东南大学附属江阴医院超声科,江苏 江阴 214400 xueqin010305@hotmail.com 
邹大中 东南大学附属江阴医院超声科,江苏 江阴 214400  
邵清 东南大学附属江阴医院普外科,江苏 江阴 214400  
钱建忠 东南大学附属江阴医院病理科,江苏 江阴 214400  
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       目的 探讨浆细胞性乳腺炎的超声表现及诊断价值。方法 回顾分析经手术及病理证实的46例浆细胞性乳腺炎患者的临床资料,对其中37例接受超声检查的患者采用BI-RADS分级诊断标准进行评价。结果 37例中,BI-RADS 2级16例、3级7例、4级5例、5级9例。超声声像图表现为囊性包块型9例(9/37,24.32%)、囊实混合包块型17例(17/37,45.95%)、实质低回声型11例(11/37,29.73%)。结论 超声诊断浆细胞性乳腺炎有一定实用价值。
      Objective To observe ultrasonic findings and diagnosis value of plasma cell mastitis. Methods The clinical characteristics of 46 patients with plasma cell mastitis confirmed by surgery and pathology were analyzed retrospectively. Ultrasonic images of 37 patients were evaluated with BI-RADS lexicon. Results In 37 patients, 16 were BI-RADS grade 2, 7 were grade 3, 5 were grade 4 and 9 were grade 5. According to the ultrasonography, breast lesions were divided into 3 types: Polycystic type (9/37, 24.32%), mix type (17/37, 45.95%) and hypoechoic texture (11/37, 29.73%). Conclusion Ultrasonography is an effective imaging modality for diagnosis of plasma cell mastitis.
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