Fluid-fluid levels in MRI diagnosis of focal lesions in abdomen
投稿时间:2010-03-01  修订日期:2010-07-05
中文关键词:  腹部局灶性病变  液-液平面  磁共振成像
英文关键词:Abdominal focal lesions  Fluid-fluid levels  Magnetic resonance imaging
陈华平 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026 toddshi@tom.com 
孟志华 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026  
杜云 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026  
方先来 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026  
史洪平 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026  
祝朝慧 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026  
叶华景 汕头大学医学院附属粤北人民医院影像科,广东 韶关 512026  
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       目的 探讨液-液平面(FFLs)在MRI诊断腹部局灶性病变中的意义。 方法 收集72例MRI中有FFLs的临床和影像资料完整的腹部局灶性病变患者。根据FFLs占腹部局灶性病变的比例,分为<1/3、1/3~2/3、>2/3但不完全由FFLs组成、完全由FFLs组成四组。分析FFLs在腹部局灶性病变中的比例与良恶性病变及其与临床病理诊断结果之间的关系。结果 72例中,病理及临床诊断49例良性病变、23例恶性病变。卵巢病变29例,占40.28%。FFLs占局灶性病变比例<1/3者12例(12/16,75.00%)为恶性病变;FFLs占病变面积1/3~2/3者7例(7/12,58.33%)为恶性病变;>2/3但不完全由FFLs组成的腹部局灶性病变中80.00%(16/20)为良性病变;24例完全由FFLs组成的局灶性病变均为良性病变。结论 腹部局灶性病变中FFLs多见于卵巢病变。FFLs占腹部局灶性病变的比例越大,恶性病变所占的比例越低。
      Objective To investigate the diagnostic significance of fluid-fluid levels (FFLs) in MRI diagnosis of focal abdominal lesions. Methods Complete clinical and imaging data of 72 patients whose MR image manifestations contained fluid-fluid levels were collected. All patients were divided into 4 groups based on the proportion of the lesion occupied by FFLs: <1/3 (group 1), 1/3—2/3 (group 2), >2/3 (group 3) and complete (group 4). The relationship between the proportion and the lesion's nature were analyzed. Results Pathology and clinical diagnosis revealed 49 benign and 23 malignant tumors. Ovarian lesions accounted for 40.28% (29/72). Totally 12 patients (12/16, 75.00%) of group 1 were malignant, 7 (7/12,58.33%) of group 2 were malignant, and 16 (16/20, 80.00%) of group 3 were benign. All the 24 patients of group 4 were benign. Conclusion FFLs levels in focal lesions of abdomen are more common in ovarian lesions. The larger of the proportion of FFLs within a focal abdominal lesion on MRI, the smaller of the proportion of malignant lesions.
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