Comparison between susceptibility weighted imaging and conventional MR in displaying pin tract after stem cell transplantation
投稿时间:2010-02-01  修订日期:2010-05-13
中文关键词:  磁敏感加权成像  干细胞移植  针道
英文关键词:Susceptibility weighted imaging  Stem cell transplantation  Pin tract
穆学涛 武警总医院磁共振科,北京 100039  
王宏 武警总医院磁共振科,北京 100039 wanghongwjmri@sina.com 
马巧稚 武警总医院磁共振科,北京 100039  
代广辉 武警总医院干细胞移植科,北京 100039  
摘要点击次数: 2065
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      目的 比较磁敏感加权成像(SWI)与常规MRI对干细胞移植术后针道显示的差异。方法 52例脑瘫患者干细胞移植术后两天内均行颅脑SWI及常规MRI。根据针道显示的清晰程度将图像分为1~3分3个等级,比较SWI和常规MRI扫描对针道显示的差异。结果 SWI显示针道的平均分为2.73,常规MRI对针道显示的平均分为1.65,二者差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 SWI对干细胞移植术后针道的显示优于常规扫描序列,可以作为术后针道显示的首选成像方法。
      Objective To compare susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) with conventional MRI for displaying pin tract after stem cell transplantation. Methods Totally 52 patients with cerebral palsy (CP) underwent SWI and conventional MRI within 2 days after stem cell transplantation. Images of the two methods were scored from 1 to 3 according to the clear degree of pin tract. Statistical analysis was conducted to compare the two methods. Results Among all 52 patients, the average score of SWI and conventional MRI in detecting pin tract was 2.73 and 1.65, respectively. Statistical difference in showing pin tract was found between two methods (P<0.001). Conclusion SWI is more sensitive than conventional MRI in visualize the pin tract. It may be the first choice in evaluating pin tract after stem cell transplantation.
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