Clinical prognosis of isolated mild fetal ventriculomegaly diagnosed with prenatal ultrasonography
投稿时间:2009-12-15  修订日期:2010-04-07
中文关键词:  超声检查,产前  胎儿  侧脑室扩张  预后
英文关键词:Ultrasonography, prenatal  Fetus  Lateral ventriculomegaly  Prognosis
张波 四川大学华西第二医院超声科,四川 成都 610041  
杨太珠 四川大学华西第二医院超声科,四川 成都 610041 zgr1144@163.com 
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      目的 探讨超声诊断的胎儿孤立性轻度侧脑室增宽的临床特点及预后。 方法 回顾性分析我院产前诊断的22胎孤立性轻度侧脑室增宽(IMV)的资料,并进行产后追踪随访,重点观察胎儿神经系统发育情况。 结果 产前超声诊断并成功随访IMV22胎,侧脑室宽度10.3~14.1 mm,平均宽度12.5 mm。2名孕妇选择引产(其中1胎证实为21-三体),其余20胎活产(男胎12例,女胎8例)。活产病例中,1例于出生后10天死亡,19例存活,其中1例发生神经系统发育迟滞,余18例发育正常。6胎于妊娠晚期及生后复查IMV自然消退。 结论 超声检查是胎儿IMV产前诊断的有效方法,IMV胎儿总体预后较好,但应重视出生后随诊。
      Objective To evaluate the clinical characteristics and prognosis of fetuses with isolated mild ventriculomegaly (IMV) diagnosed with prenatal ultrasonography. Methods Clinical data of 22 fetuses with IMV diagnosed with prenatal ultrasonography were analyzed retrospectively. Postnatal follow-up was also conducted, and nervous system development were emphatically observed. Results Totally 22 fetuses were successfully followed up, the average width of the lateral ventricles was 12.5 mm (10.3-14.1 mm). The pregnancy was terminated in 2 pregnant women (chromosomal aberration trisomy 21 in 1 fetus). Twenty fetuses were delivered (12 males and 8 females), 1 of them died during the early neonatal period. Among the 19 infants that remained in follow-up, 18 were normal, while 1 case got nervous system developmental retardation. Spontaneous regression of the IMV during late pregnancy occurred in 6 cases. Conclusion Ultrasonography is an effective method for prenatal diagnosis of IMV. In most cases, the prognosis of fetuses is good. However, postnatal follow up should be emphasized.
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