Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of Larsen syndrome
投稿时间:2009-03-20  修订日期:2009-05-04
中文关键词:  超声检查,产前  胎儿  膝关节  脱位
英文关键词:Ultrasonography, prenatal  Fetus  Knee joint  Dislocations
钱敏 首都医科大学附属北京复兴医院超声科,北京 100038 sqshome@yahoo.com.cn 
陈焰 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院超声科,北京 100026  
摘要点击次数: 1247
全文下载次数: 737
      目的 观察胎儿下肢膝关节屈曲方向,提高胎儿下肢关节畸形的产前诊断率。 方法 对妊娠中期和晚期的胎儿行常规超声检查,同时观察胎儿四肢长骨、足部形态和膝关节屈曲方向。 结果 受检胎儿中有3例表现为双下肢膝关节形态异常,1例妊娠30周人工终止妊娠,2例足月剖宫产终止妊娠。3例均为女性,均表现为面部、大关节和手足异常,临床诊断为Larsen综合征。 结论 当产前超声检查时发现胎儿双膝关节向心性屈曲、双下肢运动受限、双下肢长骨短、足部短小或伴形态异常时应高度怀疑Larsen综合征。通过观察胎儿膝关节屈曲方向可提高胎儿下肢关节畸形的产前诊断率。
      Objective To observe the flexed direction of fetal knee joints, and to improve the diagnosis rate of the joint of lower limbs malformation. Methods All fetuses underwent ultrasonic examination in the second and third trimester. The morphous of fetal long bones, feet, and the flexed direction of knee joints were observed. Results Three fetuses had abnormal morphous of bilateral knee joint, 1 terminated in 30 weeks’ gestation and 2 terminated delivery by cesarean section, all were female and had abnormal characteristics in face, big joints, hands and feet, and were diagnosed as Larsen syndrome. Conclusion Larsen syndrome should be highly suspected when the following manifestations were observed with prenatal ultrasonography: abnormal flexion of bilateral knee joints, limitation of movement, short long bones, small feet or with abnormal morphous. The antenatal diagnosis rate of abnormalities in joint of lower extremities can be improved by means of observing the knee joint’s flexed direction.
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