Harmonic and ultraharmonic myocardial contrast imaging modes in the evaluation of acute myocardial infarction
投稿时间:2008-06-10  修订日期:2008-07-28
中文关键词:  超声心动描记术  心肌梗死
英文关键词:Echocardiography  Myocardial infarction
蒲冬玉 山东省医学科学院心内科,山东 济南 250062
山东省淄博市中心医院干部病房科,山东 淄博 255036 
邢艳秋 山东大学齐鲁医院心内科,山东 济南 250012 xingyanqiu@sina.com 
张运 山东大学齐鲁医院心内科,山东 济南 250012  
刘向群 山东大学齐鲁医院心内科,山东 济南 250012  
高海青 山东大学齐鲁医院心内科,山东 济南 250012  
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       目的 探讨谐波 (HA)和超谐波 (UH)两种心肌声学造影技术评价心肌梗死的准确性。方法 10条常规开胸犬动物模型,在基础状态、结扎冠状动脉左前降支1 h后,分别应用HA和UH技术采集心肌声学造影图像,目测观察充盈缺损的范围,定量计算充盈缺损的面积,并与应用TTC染色测量的梗死心肌面积对比。结果 TTC染色显示心肌梗死HA面积百分率为15.8%±2.4%,应用两种心肌声学造影模式计算的充盈缺损面积与解剖学梗死心肌面积高度相似,应用HA模式为15.5%±2.9%,应用UH模式为15.5%±3.0%。两种心肌声学造影模式检测急性心肌梗死HA的敏感性、特异性及诊断准确率分别为:在HA模式为88%、100%、94%;在UH模式为100%、75%、88%。结论 两种心肌声学造影技术在诊断急性心肌梗死中均具有高度的准确性。
      Objective To assess the relative accuracy of harmonic angio and ultraarmonic myocardial contrast imaging modes in the evaluation of canine acute myocardial infarction. Methods Myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) was performed in 10 open-chest dogs using triggered harmonic angio (HA) mode and triggered ultraharmonic angio (UH) modes at baseline and at one hour after occlusion of left anterior descending coronary artery. Presence or absence of perfusion defects and the perfusion defect size when present were analyzed and compared with infarct size delineated by triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining. Results The infarct area was 15.8%±2.4% by TTC staining. Perfusion defect area by MCE was similar to anatomic infarct area in all three MCE approaches, i.e.15.5%±2.9% by HA mode, and 15.5%±3.0% by UH mode. The sensitivity, specificity and overall diagnostic accuracy in the detection of myocardial infarction was 88%, 100%, and 94% for HA mode, 100%, 75%, and 88% for UH mode, respectively. Conclusion Both triggered HA MCE mode and triggered UH MCE mode have excellent diagnostic accuracy in the immediate hour of canine acute coronary occlusion.
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