Analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in detection of solitary thyroid nodules
投稿时间:2007-06-13  修订日期:2007-10-19
中文关键词:  甲状腺  单发结节  超声造影  时间-强度曲线
英文关键词:Solitary nodules  Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography  Time-intensity curve
宋洁 昆明医学院第一附属医院超声科,云南 昆明 650032 songjie2008@126.com 
王丹 昆明医学院第一附属医院超声科,云南 昆明 650032  
袁惠 昆明医学院第一附属医院超声科,云南 昆明 650032  
宗绍云 昆明医学院第一附属医院超声科,云南 昆明 650032  
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      目的 分析各种病理类型甲状腺单发结节超声造影的图像特点,研究超声造影是否可以改善对各种甲状腺单发结节的鉴别诊断率。方法 回顾性分析经手术病理证实的30例甲状腺单发结节超声造影的图像特点。观察结节内造影剂灌注的过程,通过时间-强度曲线进行分析,比较结节内部与结节相邻的甲状腺实质内造影剂到达时间(AT),达峰时间(TTP),增强强度△A(PI-BI)等参数的差别。这些数据和手术后病理组织学结果进行对照分析。结果 5例甲状腺癌造影后表现为结节先于相邻甲状腺实质开始增强及廓清,与相邻的甲状腺实质相比较呈高增强。10例滤泡性腺瘤中有7例造影后表现为结节晚于相邻甲状腺实质开始增强及廓清,与相邻的甲状腺实质相比较呈低增强。15例结节性甲状腺肿中8例造影后表现为结节早于相邻甲状腺实质开始增强及廓清,14例与相邻的甲状腺实质相比较呈高增强或等增强。结论 此研究表明各种病理类型甲状腺结节造影剂灌注的特点仍有一定的重叠性,但超声造影技术可能为鉴别甲状腺良恶性肿瘤提供更多有效的,补充性的信息和定量分析的方法。
      Objective To analyse the sonographic characteristics of solitary thyroid nodules after injection of ultrasound contrast agent to investigate the contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS)whether it can improve the differential diagnosis rate of solitary thyroid nodules. Methods The sonographic characteristics in 30 cases with solitary thyroid nodules proved by surgery and pathology were restrospectively analysed. To observe the dynamic enhancement pattern of each nodule, which was compared with adjacent thyroid parenchyma, and were assessed with the time-intensity curve.The evaluated parameters were: the enhanced time, the time to peak, and the enhanced intensity. These data were compared with the histologic findings. Results After SonoVue administration, papillary cancer in 5 cases showed early wash in and early wash out in comparison with the adjacent thyroid parenchyma, and the enhancement intensity were higher than those of the adjacent thyroid parenchyma. In the 10 follicular adenoma cases, 7 cases showed lately wash in, and lately wash out in comparison with the adjacent thyroid parenchyma, the enhancement intensities were lower than those of the adjacent thyroid parenchyma. In the 15 nodular goiter cases,8 cases showed early wash in and early wash out in comparison with the adjacent thyroid parenchyma,14 cases showed that the enhanced intensities were higher than or approximate to those of adjacent thyroid parenchyma. Conclusion The data of this study suggested that up to now overlapping findings had been seen in the characteristics of the solitary thyroid nodule dynamic enhanced patterns. But the CEUS might provide useful, complementary information and quantitative analysis method for differentiating benign from malignant thyroid nodules.
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