Usefulness of T1 weighted inversion recovery in revealing non-tumor lesions of the brain
投稿时间:2007-06-10  修订日期:2007-11-20
中文关键词:  反转恢复  磁共振成像  
英文关键词:Inversion-recovery  Magnetic resonance imaging  Brain
张向军 安徽医科大学第一附属医院放射科,安徽 合肥 230022 Liangmingyf@ yahoo.com.cn 
钱银锋 安徽医科大学第一附属医院放射科,安徽 合肥 230022  
余永强 安徽医科大学第一附属医院放射科,安徽 合肥 230022  
张诚 安徽医科大学第一附属医院放射科,安徽 合肥 230022  
柏亚 安徽医科大学第一附属医院放射科,安徽 合肥 230022  
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      目的 通过自旋回波序列T1WI(T1WSE)与反转恢复序列T1WI(T1WIR)的比较研究,探讨T1WIR在颅脑非肿瘤性病变诊断中的价值。方法 34例颅脑非肿瘤性病变患者行T1WSE和T1WIR成像,计算并比较两序列平扫灰质与白质、脑脊液与灰质的对比率(CR)和对比噪声比(CNR),比较两序列对基底节的显示情况。观察增强前后两序列对病灶的显示情况。结果 T1WIR上灰质与白质、脑脊液与灰质的CR和CNR均明显高于T1WSE,其对基底节的显示亦更清楚。平扫图像上,50%在T1WIR上病灶的显示优于T1WSE,44.1%在两序列上显示相同,5.9%病例中的低信号病灶在T1WIR上显示的更清楚,但高信号出血在T1WSE显示更为清楚且范围更广。16例行增强检查者,13例在两序列上显示相同,2例烟雾病的"常春藤征"和1例静脉畸形在增强T1WSE上显示清楚,而T1WIR未能明确显示。结论 T1WIR在颅脑非肿瘤性病变的诊断中可以替代T1WSE,尤其是对低信号病灶的显示,但在显示合并的少量出血、异常的小血管方面存在劣势。
      Objective To determine the value of T1 weighted inversion recovery (T1WIR) in revealing non-tumor lesions of the brain by comparing with T1 weighted spin echo (T1WSE). Methods Thirty-four patients with non-tumor lesions of brain were underwent both T1WSE and T1WIR. T1WSE and T1WIR images were compared for contrast ratio (CR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of gray matter-to-white matter and CSF-to-gray matter. The displaying of basal ganglia and lesion were compared between images of two sequences. Results CR and CNR of gray matter-to-white matter and CSF-to-gray matter were higher on T1WIR than on T1WSE, and basal ganglia was clearer on T1WIR. On plain scan images, T1WIR were superior in 50% patients and equal in 44.1% patients to T1WSE; in 5.9% patients, T1WIR were superior in displaying hypo-intensity lesions, but hyper-intensity hemorrhage were more obvious and wider on T1WSE. On post-contrast images in 16 patients, two sequences images were equal in 13 patients, ivy sign of 2 cases with Moyamoya disease and 1 venous malformation were clearly displayed on postenhanced T1WSE images, but not on posteenhanced T1WIR. Conclusion T1WIR can substitute for T1WSE in revealing non-tumor lesions of the brain, especially in displaying hypo-intensity lesions, but it has deficient in displaying small amounts hemorrhage and abnormal small vessel.
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