Preliminary study of placental angioarchitecture of the rat and its biological effects with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography
投稿时间:2007-09-09  修订日期:2007-12-20
中文关键词:  超声造影  胎盘  生物效应
英文关键词:Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography  Placent  Biological effects
许杨青 华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院超声诊断科,湖北 武汉 430030 yqxu2006@yahoo.com.cn 
陈欣林 湖北省妇幼保健医院超声科,湖北 武汉 430070  
谢明星 华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院超声诊断科,湖北 武汉 430030  
陈佩文 湖北省妇幼保健医院超声科,湖北 武汉 430070  
赵胜 湖北省妇幼保健医院超声科,湖北 武汉 430070  
胡蕾 湖北省妇幼保健医院超声科,湖北 武汉 430070  
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      目的 本试验采用妊娠晚期大鼠为模式动物探讨超声造影在胎盘的应用价值和初步研究超声造影对大鼠胎盘组织产生的生物效应,为超声造影应用于产科提供指导意义。方法 随机选择妊娠晚期(第18~21天)的Wistar大鼠30只,体重为(300±50) g,共分三组进行,A组:对照组,注射生理盐水2.0 ml/kg;B组:高剂量造影剂组,注射剂量为23.6 mg/kg(2.0 ml/kg,11.8 mg/ml);C组:低剂量造影组,注射剂量为0.236 mg/kg (2.0 ml/kg,0.118 mg/ml)。在ACUSON Sequoia 512超声诊断仪CPS成像系统下选择每只孕鼠腹中的一只胎鼠的胎盘行超声造影检查。造影完毕后取胎盘组织固定、切片、染色观察三组胎盘显微结构的变化。[HTH]结果 超声造影清晰地显示出了大鼠胎盘绒毛间血流的灌注特点;造影剂不能通过胎血屏障到达胎盘胎儿面及胎鼠;三组胎盘组织切片检查均未见明显母体面毛细血管损伤、红细胞外溢、滋养细胞坏死和空泡形成。结论 超声造影清晰地显示出了大鼠胎盘母体面的血管结构;在此次仪器设置条件下,超声造影未对胎盘组织产生明显的生物效应。
      Objective To discuss the value of placental contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and to observe its biological effects in late pregnancy rat. Methods Thirty late pregnancy rats (Wistar rats, gestational age: rang 18 to 21 days) were selected and divided into three experimental groups, group A as control group with injection of physiologic saline solution (2.0 ml/kg), group B as high dose with 23.6 mg/kg (2.0 ml/kg, 11.8 mg/ml) and group C low dose with injection 0.236 mg/kg (2.0 ml/kg, 0.118 mg/ml) body weight. One of the placents of a maternal rat selected randomly was examined by ACUSON Sequoia 512 with contrast pulse sequencing (CPS) technology. Tissueslices of placenta were collected for microscope investigation. Results Intravascular injection of SonoVue was capable of delineating the vascular architecture of the villous tree of rat. No enhancement was seen after saline solution injections. The contrast enhanced agent do not pass through the placent barrier and do not reach the villus of placent and the body of fetal. Patho-change was not found in placenta of the three groups.Conclusion The CPS technique and SonoVue limpidly delineate placental angioarchitecture in the rat model; on the condition of our experiment, the placenta does not take place evident biological effects.
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