Multi-slice CT in the evaluation of collateral vessels in cavernous transformation
投稿时间:2005-09-06  修订日期:2006-01-12
中文关键词:  体层摄影术,X线计算机  血管造影术  海绵样变  侧支血管
英文关键词:Tomography, X-ray computed  Angiography  Cavernous transformation  Collateral vessels
路军良 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730  
张立华 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730  
杨宁 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730 yangn@csc.pumch.ac.cn 
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      目的 利用64层螺旋CT增强扫描和血管重建对门脉海绵样变的解剖关系及侧支血管的形成情况进行评价。方法 对我院2004年8月-2005年5月期间收集的18例门脉海绵样变资料进行分析。结果 在门脉闭塞后,引起相应血管的纡曲扩张及侧支血管的形成,其中有门脉周围形成门-门侧支循环,胆囊壁静脉的曲张,胃网膜静脉的增粗纡曲,胆管壁静脉的纡曲扩张,腹膜后椎体旁侧支血管的开放,脾-肾静脉短路的开放,胃底食管静脉的曲张。结论 多层螺旋CT血管重建在诊断门脉海绵样变方面有重要的临床意义。
      Objective To investigate the features of cavernous transformation of the portal vein on 64-slice CT. Methods CT images of 18 patients who suffered from cavernous transformation of portal vein from August 2004 to May 2005 were retrospectively analyzed. Results In portal vein thrombosis, a variety of major collateral pathways can develop. There were portal collateral vessels around the main portal vein in 8 patients, and among them, there was 1 patient with the varix of gallbladder wall, 2 with gastroepiploic varix, 1 with varix on the bile duct wall, 1 with open of the retroperitoneal-paravertebral vein and the splenorenal vein, and 1 with open of the retroperitoneal-paravertebral vein. There was 1 patient with gastroepiploic varix. There were 2 patients with gastroepiploic varix and gastroesophageal varix. There was 1 patient with gastroepiploic varix and open of the splenorenal vein. There were 3 patients with gastroesophageal varix. There was 1 patient with open of the retroperitoneal-paravertebral vein and the splenorenal vein. Conclusion Multi-slice CT reconstruction is effective in the diagnosis of the cavernous transformation of the portal vein.
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