Assessment of ventricular function in children with functionally single ventricle by tissue Doppler imaging
投稿时间:2006-02-12  修订日期:2006-04-27
中文关键词:  单心室  组织多普勒成像  心功能
英文关键词:Single ventricle  Tissue Doppler imaging  Cardiac function
朱善良 南京医科大学附属南京市儿童医院心内科,江苏 南京 210008 njzhusl@yahoo.com.cn 
陈树宝 上海第二医科大学附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海 200092  
孙锟 上海第二医科大学附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海 200092  
张玉奇 上海第二医科大学附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海 200092  
黄美蓉 上海第二医科大学附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海 200092  
高伟 上海第二医科大学附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海 200092  
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      目的 探讨组织多普勒成像技术在单心室心功能检测中的价值。方法 应用组织多普勒检测47例功能性单心室患儿和28例正常儿童的房室瓣环运动速度等指标,并和有创、无创心功能指标对比。结果 单心室患者邻近残余心腔侧的房室瓣环Sm、Em、Em/Am比值显著低于非残余心腔侧的相应指标。与正常儿童相比,单心室患者房室瓣环两侧的Sm、Em、Em/Am比值显著降低;Q-Sm间期显著延长。正常儿童的二尖瓣环Em/Am比值与二尖瓣血流E/A比值呈显著正相关;单心室组房室瓣环Em/Am比值与房室瓣血流E/A比值有较好的一致性。单心室患者的Q-Sm间期与心导管测定Max(dp/dt)之间呈显著负相关(r=-0.657),Sm与Max(dp/dt)之间无显著相关性。结论 组织多普勒在检测单心室异常室壁运动、评价舒张功能方面具有一定的价值,Q-Sm间期是评价单心室收缩功能的有用指标。
      Objective To investigate the feasibility and clinical value of pulsed wave tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) for evaluating cardiac function in children with functionally single ventricle. Methods The velocity profile of AV flow and AV annular were obtained with pulsed Doppler and TDI in 47 patients with functionally single ventricle and 28 normal children. Systolic and diastolic function assessed by classic methods were compared with these TDI indices. Results The peak systolic (Sm) and peak early diastolic (Em) annular velocities and Em/Am ratio on the side of rudimentary camber in univentricular hearts were significantly lower than the corresponding indices on the other side. Compared with normal children, patients with functionally single ventricle had significantly decreased Sm, Em, Em/Am ratio and increased Am. The interval from the Q wave of electrocardiogram to peak systolic AV annular velocity (Q-Sm interval) was significantly longer than mitral annular Q-Sm interval in normal children. The Em/Am ratio of mitral annular was positively related to E/A ratio of mitral inflow. There was a good consistency between Em/Am ratio and E/A ratio in univentricular hearts. The Q-Sm interval correlated inversely with Max (dp/dt) measured through catheterization in patients with functionally single ventricle (r=-0.657). There was no correlation between Sm and Max (dp/dt). Conclusion AV annular velocity indices measured by TDI are useful for detecting abnormal wall motion and assessing ventricular diastolic function in univentricular hearts. The Q-Sm interval of AV valve annular velocity is a useful index for predicting systolic function, while peak systolic velocity can not fully reflect the ventricular contractility in patients with functionally single ventricle.
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