Standard uptake value as a predictor of invasiveness: 206 lung cancer with FDG-PET
投稿时间:2005-10-11  修订日期:2006-01-05
中文关键词:  肺肿瘤  FDG-PET  标准摄取值  肿瘤浸润  受试者操作特性曲线
英文关键词:Lung neoplasms  FDG-PET  Standard uptake value  Neoplasm invasiveness  Receiver operator characteristic curve
王淑侠 广东省人民医院伟伦PET中心,广东 广州 510080  
徐卫平 广东省人民医院伟伦PET中心,广东 广州 510080  
李东江 广东省人民医院伟伦PET中心,广东 广州 510080  
侯庆仪 广东省人民医院伟伦PET中心,广东 广州 510080  
乔穗宪 广东省人民医院伟伦PET中心,广东 广州 510080  
唐安戊 广东省人民医院伟伦PET中心,广东 广州 510080 tanganwu@163.net 
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      目的 分析肺癌侵袭性的影响因素,评价SUV值预测肿瘤局部及纵膈转移,尤其是微小转移的可行性。方法 206例病理证实的肺癌多变量分析肿瘤侵袭性影响因素,并行回归预测及ROC分析。结果 肺癌的侵袭性与SUV值有关,SUV越大,发生转移的几率越高。SUV>7,50%以上的肺癌、70%以上的腺癌发生转移。ROC曲线下面积为70.9%。SUV≥9.6,诊断灵敏度≥86.7%。结论 SUV值可预测肺癌侵袭性。
      Objective To analyze the factors associated with lung cancer invasion, evaluate the feasibility of standard uptake value (SUV) as a metastasis predictor. Methods Two hundred and six patients with pathologically confirmed lung cancer by FDG-PET were studied. Multivariate analysis was done to find the factors associated with invasion, and correlated SUV with tumor type and differentiation. Nominal regression was used for metastasis prediction. The diagnostic value was evaluated with receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve. Results SUV was significantly different among tumor types and differentiation. Chance for metastasis was increased with SUV. When SUV>7, the chance was greater than 50% for all surgical cases and 70% for adenocarcinoma. The area under ROC curve of lung adenocarcinoma was 70.9%. Diagnostic sensitivity was greater than 86% when SUV was equal to or greater than 9.6. Conclusion SUV could be used as a local metastasis predictor in operated lung cancer cases.
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