Exploratory image study of new making methods with inflated fixed lung specimen
投稿时间:2005-04-20  修订日期:2005-05-29
中文关键词:  固定  标本制备  体层摄影术,X线计算机
英文关键词:Immobilization  Specimen handing  Tomography, X-ray computed
于东升 北京大学临床肿瘤学院介入科,北京 100036  
杨仁杰 北京大学临床肿瘤学院介入科,北京 100036 renjiey@public.bta.net.cn 
路晓东 北京大学临床肿瘤学院介入科,北京 100036  
徐爱德 北京大学临床肿瘤学院介入科,北京 100036  
摘要点击次数: 1774
全文下载次数: 716
      目的 探讨充气固定肺叶标本制作的新方法——气液双重支撑固定法,并与用Heitzman法制作的肺叶标本进行影像与病理对照研究。方法 收集40个肺叶切除术后的新鲜肺叶标本,分两组, A组26个用气液双重支撑固定法制作的肺叶标本,与B组14个用Heitzman法制作的肺叶标本在相应的HRCT扫描图像、软线摄影图像、大体标本、横断大体标本切片、组织学切片进行肺叶标本质量比较分析。结果 肺叶标本质量评价:A组,Ⅰ级 22例(84.6%),Ⅱ级 4例(15.4%)。B组Ⅱ级 5例(35.7%),Ⅲ级 9例(64.3%),制作方法与充气固定肺叶标本的质量有明显的相关性(P<0.01),A组标本质量好于B组。结论 气液双重支撑固定法对研究次级肺小叶等肺的细微解剖结构,更精确地进行肺HRCT与病理对照研究有重要意义。
      Objective To explore a new preparing method of inflated fixed lung specimen, the gas-liquid sustaining-fixation method. Lobes of lung prepared by the new method were compared with those lobes prepared by Heitzman method as a whole. At the same time, we also carried out the exploratory pathology and radiology study on the lobes of lung prepared by the new method. Methods To collect 40 fresh lung lobes from surgical resection and divided into two groups. (Group A) 26 fresh lung lobes were made into inflated fixed lung specimen through the gas-liquid sustaining fixation method. (Group B) 14 lung lobes were made by Heitzmen method. The quality of the fixed lung specimen of the two groups were evaluated according to the HRCT images, soft X-ray radiography, gross lung specimen, cross-sectional lung specimen and histologic section. Results The quality of specimens was evaluated. In group A, 22 cases (84.6%) were considered to have grade-1 quality, 4 cases (15.4%) were grade-2. In group B, 5 cases (35.7%) were considered to have grade-2 quality, 9 cases (64.3%) were grade-3. The quality of lobes of lung specimen had closely correlative with the preparing Methods (P<0.01). The quality of fixed specimens in group A was better than that in group B. Conclusion Gas-liquid sustaining fixation method was a new fixation technique in preparing inflated fixed lung specimen. The method has an important significance in the study of minute anatomical structure of the lung like secondary pulmonary lobule and the accurate study of the lung HRCT-pathologic correlation.
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