Evaluation of simulated chest nodules with dual-energy digital subtraction chest radiography: a ROC study
中文关键词:  双能量  数字减影  数字X线摄影  胸部结节  受试者操作特征曲线
英文关键词:Dual-energy  Digital subtraction  Digital radiography  Chest nodules  Receiver operating characteristic curve
郭雪梅 北京大学第一医院医学影像科,北京 100034 
宋鲁新 北京大学第一医院医学影像科,北京 100034 
李玉琦 北京大学第一医院医学影像科,北京 100034 
秦乃珊 北京大学第一医院医学影像科,北京 100034 
蒋学祥 北京大学第一医院医学影像科,北京 100034 
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      目的 用受试者操作特性(ROC)曲线评价双能量数字减影正位胸片在检出模拟胸部结节性病变中的价值。方法 20名正常成年志愿者前胸粘贴模拟结节,拍摄双能量数字减影正位胸片,应用ROC分析比较常规DR胸片与减影后软组织图像的诊断结果。结果 高、低年资医师组,软组织图像的曲线下面积均大于常规DR胸片,两种方法有显著性差异;软组织图像对高年资医师组帮助较大。结论 双能量数字减影技术可减少肺野内骨骼及其他钙化影响,对胸部结节性病变的检出能力高于常规DR胸片。
      Objective To assess the value of dual-energy digital subtraction chest radiography in detection of simulated chest nodules by ROC analysis. Methods Dual-energy digital subtraction chest radiography was performed on 20 volunteers with simulated nodules pasted on their chests. ROC analysis was made in the evaluation results on regular DR images and soft tissue images respectively. Results There was significant difference between the two kinds of images with wider Az on the former than on the latter. The soft tissue images had more effects on the diagnoses of the experienced radiologists than the residents. Conclusion Dual-energy digital subtraction chest radiography can eliminate the influence of bones and other calcium, which is superior to regular DR image on detecting more chest nodule lesions.
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