宋锦宁,张芬茹,刘守勋,王茂德,胡国瑛.脑膜瘤99Tcm-MIBI与99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑显像的对照研究[J].中国医学影像技术,2004,20(5):768~770
脑膜瘤99Tcm-MIBI与99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑显像的对照研究
Brain SPECT with 99Tcm-MIBI and 99Tcm-ECD: a comparative study in imaging characteristics of meningioma
中文关键词:  脑膜瘤  放射性核素显像  甲氧基异丁基异腈  双半胱乙酯
英文关键词:Meningioma  Radionuclide imaging  MIBI  ECD
宋锦宁 西安交通大学第一医院神经外科,陕西 西安 710061 
张芬茹 西安交通大学第一医院核医学科,陕西 西安 710061 
刘守勋 西安交通大学第一医院神经外科,陕西 西安 710061 
王茂德 西安交通大学第一医院神经外科,陕西 西安 710061 
胡国瑛 西安交通大学第一医院核医学科,陕西 西安 710061 
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      目的 探讨脑膜瘤99Tcm-MIBI 和99Tcm-ECD SPECT 脑显像的影像特征,并评价其应用价值。方法 对10例正常对照者及18例脑膜瘤患者进行99Tcm-MIBI和99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑显像;分析病灶的影像特征。结果 正常对照者99Tcm-MIBI显像脑实质内均无核素浓聚;99Tcm-ECD 显像脑实质内放射性核素分布大致均匀,左右侧基本对称。18例脑膜瘤99Tcm-MIBI显像见肿瘤处均表现为均匀的圆形或卵圆形放射性核素浓聚,其阳性率为100%;而99Tcm-ECD显像18例中有17例示肿瘤处表现为形态规整、边缘整齐的圆形或卵圆形内凹缺损,其形态与99Tcm-MIBI显像所示的浓聚区相吻合,另1例为假阴性结果,其阳性率为94.4%。结论 99Tcm-MIBI结合99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑显像可用于脑膜瘤的辅助诊断。
      Objective To study the imaging characteristics of meningioma using brain SPECT with 99Tcm-MIBI and 99Tcm-ECD, and to evaluate their application value in diagnosis of meningioma. Methods Ten normal controls and 18 patients of meningiomas were performed with 99Tcm-MIBI and 99Tcm-ECD rCBF tomographic brain imaging, and imaging characteristics of meningioma were analyzed. Results In normal controls, 99Tcm-MIBI imaging showed no radioactive distribution in brain grey matter; 99Tcm-ECD rCBF imaging showed homogeneous and symmetrical radioactive distribution throughout the grey matter. In 18 of 18 patients, a homogeneous round or oval accumulation of radioactivity in meningioma area was found with 99Tcm-MIBI SPECT imaging. Positive rate with 99Tcm-MIBI was 100%.In 17 of 18 patients, 99Tcm-ECD rCBF imaging showed round or oval concave defects with smooth contour in the cerebral cortex tumor area. The defect shape and position in 99Tcm-ECD image was corresponding to the accumulation area in 99Tcm-MIBI image. One patient was false negative in 99Tcm-ECD image. Positive rate with 99Tcm-ECD was 94.4%. Conclusion The combined use of 99Tcm-MIBI and 99Tcm-ECD SPECT brain imaging is useful in diagnosis of meningioma.
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