Diagnostic Value of Chest Disease with Plain Film
中文关键词:  胸片  体层摄影术,X线计算机  正确率  误诊率
英文关键词:Chest plain film  Tomography,X-ray computed  Accuracy  Misdiagnostic rate
李铁一 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院放射科,北京 100050 
冀景玲 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院放射科,北京 100050 
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      目的 估价在CT、MR时代胸片对胸部疾病诊断价值。方法 496例无选择胸外科手术病理证实胸部疾病,分别统计胸片与胸部CT术前诊断正确率和误诊率。结果 肺癌339例、肺结核33例、肺炎63例、错构瘤17例、肺囊肿10例、肺隔离症5例、其他29例。肺结核与肺炎诊断正确率分别为75.6%与62%,CT分别为78.8%及60%,二者诊断正确率差别较小。中央型肺癌与周围型肺癌胸片诊断正确率分别为80.2%及85%,CT分别为88.7%及93.1%,肺腺癌与细支气管肺泡癌CT诊断正确率明显高于胸片,分别为89.6%及91.3%,胸片为79.4%及69.6%。结论 本组材料表现81%的疾病胸片诊断有价值,在实际工作中胸片应为首选检查方法。
      Objective To assess the value of plain film in diagnosis of chest disease in the era of CT and MR.Methods The accuracy and misdiagnosis rate of preoperative plain film and CT of 496 consecutive histologically proved chest diseases were analyzed.Results There were lung cancers (n=339),pulmonary tuberculosis (n=33),pneumonia (n=63),pulmonary hamartoma (n=17),cysts of lung (n=10),pulmonary sequestration (n=5) and others (n=29) in 496 cases.The accuracy of chest plain film of pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia were 75.6% and 62% respectively,and the accuracy of CT of the two diseases were 78.8% and 60% respectively.There were no statistical differences between plain film and CT in the two diseases.The accuracy of chest plain film of hiliar lung cancer and peripheral lung cancer were 80.2% and 85% respectively,and those of CT were 88.7% and 93.1%.The accuracy of CT of pulmonary adenocarcinoma and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (89.6% and 91.3% respectively) were obviously higher than that of plain film (79.4% and 69.6%).Conclusion This study showed that chest plain films were valuable in 81% chest disease.In practice,chest plain film should be the first choice.
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