宋锦宁,张芬茹,王茂德,刘守勋,冯新利,胡国瑛.小儿脑积水99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑显像[J].中国医学影像技术,2003,19(10):
小儿脑积水99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑显像
Comparative Study of 99Tcm-ECD SPECT with CT Brain Imaging in Pediatric Hydrocephalus
中文关键词:  脑积水  体层摄影术  发射型计算机,单光子  双光乙脂
英文关键词:Hydrocephalus  Tomography  Emission-computer, single-photon  ECD
宋锦宁 西安交通大学第一医院神经外科,陕西西安 710061 
张芬茹 西安交通大学第一医院核医学科,陕西西安 710061 
王茂德 西安交通大学第一医院神经外科,陕西西安 710061 
刘守勋 西安交通大学第一医院神经外科,陕西西安 710061 
冯新利 西安交通大学第一医院核医学科,陕西西安 710061 
胡国瑛 西安交通大学第一医院核医学科,陕西西安 710061 
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      目的 探讨 99Tcm双光乙酯(ECD) SPECT脑血流灌注显像与CT扫描在小儿脑积水的影像特征,并评价两种方法的优缺点及应用价值。方法 10例正常对照组和20例确诊的脑积水患儿进行99Tcm-ECD SPECT脑血流显像,且同时行CT扫描。结果 99Tcm-ECD SPECT示:20例脑积水患儿中19例显像异常,异常率为95%,其中显示脑室扩大者8例(40%)。19例脑灰质异常者分别表现为单个或多个,单侧或双侧、对称性或非对称性、局灶性或弥漫性的放射性减低区,异常减低区的范围大小、数目、程度与临床病情相关。CT扫描:16例呈脑室扩大,5例为双侧额顶叶蛛网膜下腔扩大,而未见皮层缺损。结论 脑积水患儿99Tcm -ECD SPECT脑显像可出现单个或多个部位、不同程度的低血流灌注区,该显像可用于判断患儿的脑功能状态及智能发育,但对脑室扩大常分辨不清;CT可清晰的显示脑积水状态及解剖结构变化,但不能提示脑血流情况,二者结合对确定脑积水的诊断、治疗和评价脑功能状态以及判断预后具有重要的应用价值。
      Objective To study the imaging features and clinical value of 99Tcm-ECD SPECT regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) imaging and CT in pediatric hydrocephalus, and to evaluate advantage and shortcoming of the two imaging methods.Methods 10 normal control children and 20 patients with pediatric hydrocephalus underwent 99Tcm-ECD SPECT rCBF and CT imaging.Results 99Tcm-ECD SPECT: 19 of the 20 patients showed brain cortex single focus or multiple foci which were either local or diffuse. The perfusions in the abnormal areas were decreased prominently. The range, number and degree in abnormal decreased perfusion region related to the disease seriousness. CT: 16 of 20 patients showed ventricular expansion.5 cases had showed bilateral larger subarachnoid space at parietal and frontal lobe.Conclusion The combination of these two imaging methods may play an important role in determining hydrocephalus diagnosis and therapy, and evaluating brain function and predicting the outcome in these children patients.
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