Ultrasonography in Diagnosing Cyst of Ligament Teres Uteri
中文关键词:  子宫圆韧带  囊肿  超声成像
英文关键词:Ligament teres uteri  Cyst  Ultrasonography
贺声 海军总医院超声科, 北京 100037 
王育红 海军总医院超声科, 北京 100037 
蔡春儒 海军总医院超声科, 北京 100037 
郑淑红 海军总医院超声科, 北京 100037 
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      目的 了解超声检查在子宫圆韧带囊肿诊断中的应用价值。方法 本文对1组7例子宫圆韧带囊肿患者的临床与超声表现作了回顾性分析。结果 7例均在手术前由超声检出腹股沟区囊性包块,其中2例合并有腹股沟斜疝未被超声检出。子宫圆韧带囊肿的诊断要点有:①超声图像所显示的囊性包块的走行、与周邻结构的关系符合子宫圆韧带的解剖位置;②改变体位时包块触诊可以变小,但不消失,超声图像上包块的大小、形态也不会因体位改变而有明显变化。结论 结合子宫圆韧带囊肿的临床表现,超声可对该病做出明确的诊断和鉴别诊断。
      Objective To evaluate the application value of ultrasonography in diagnosing the cyst of ligament teres uteri.Methods The clinical and ultrasonic data of 7 patients with cyst of ligament teres uteri were analyzed retrospectively.Results An inguinal cystic mass in each of the 7 patients was detected by ultrasonography, with indirect inguinal hernia missed in two case. Two points for diagnosing the cyst were noticed: ①Location and relationship with adjacent structures of the cystic mass imaged by ultrasonography should conform to the anatomic site of the ligament teres uteri; ②While volume of the mass could decrease, the mass would not disappear during palpation or after changes of the postures, and the size as well as the shape of the mass measured on ultrasonography would not change.Conclusion Combined with the clinical data, the cyst of ligament teres uteri can be diagnosed with ultrasonography definitively.
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