Pattern of Evolution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on Chest Radiographs
中文关键词:  严重急性呼吸综合征  X线平片  肺炎
英文关键词:Severe acute respiratory syndrome  X-ray plain radiography  Pneumonia
于春水 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
李坤成 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
李永忠 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
梁志刚 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
刘树良 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
卢洁 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
王志群 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
苏壮志 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
姚新宇 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
彭靖 首都医科大学宣武医院医学影像学部放射科,北京 100053 
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      目的 探讨严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)胸片的演变规律。方法 回顾性分析54例临床确诊的SARS病人的胸片,观测不同时期病变的位置、形态、数量、面积及密度的动态变化。结果 在首次胸片上,54例中,单侧受累33例,其中5例在随访胸片中转变为双侧受累:双侧受累者21例,以下肺野(64.82%)和肺中带(94.44%)多见。病变形态演变具有3种模式,以斑片状-片絮状-局部肺纹理增粗-完全吸收模式(64.82%)多见。病变数量演变包含5种模式,以单片型(40.74%)多见。病变面积演变包括单峰型(79.63%)、双峰型(12.96%)和持续恶化型(7.41%)。病变密度演变包含单峰型(57.69%)、双峰型(29.49%)、三峰型(7.69%)和持续恶化型(5.13%)。病程和病变占整个肺野最大比例在病变形态、数量、面积和密度的不同演变类型间均存在显著性差异。结论 SARS病人胸片的演变具有一定规律,演变模式对患者预后具有提示作用。
      Objective To investigate the pattern of evolution of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) on Chest radiographs.Methods Chest radiographs of 54 patients with clinically confirmed SARS were analyzed retrospectively. The dynamic changes of location by time, shape, number, area and density of pulmonary lesions were observed and measured.Results Initial chest radiographs showed unilateral involvement (33 of 54 cases, 6 cases of them evolved to bilateral involvement on following chest radiographs) and bilateral involvement (21 cases). Lower lung field (64.82%) and middle lung zone (94.44%) were more commonly involved. The evolution of shape of lesions included three patterns, the pattern of patchy opacities-shaggy cloudy shadow-increase of focal interstitial markings-absolutely absorption was found in most patients(64.82%). The evolution of number of lesions included five patterns, unifocal involvement (40.74%) was the most common pattern. Three patterns of evolution of lesion area were recognized: one peak (79.63%), two peak(12.96%)and progressive deterioration (7.41%) pattern. The evolution of lesion density included four pattern: one peak (57.69%), two peak (29.49%),three peak (7.69%) and progressive deterioration (5.13%) pattern. Significant difference was found in the course of disease and ratio of the largest lesion area to the whole lung in different type of evolution of shape, number, area and density of lesion.Conclusion To some extent, the radiographic evolution of SARS is regularly, the radiographic evolution can suggest prognosis of SARS patients.
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