Clinical Value of Sprial CT in Diagnosis of Advanced Gastric Cancer
中文关键词:  进展期胃癌  螺旋  体层摄影术,X线计算机
英文关键词:Advanced gastric cancer  Spiral  Tomography,X-ray computed
孔阿照 浙江省仙居县人民医院放射科,浙江 仙居 317300 
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      目的 探讨螺旋CT检查对进展期胃癌的影像学表现及周围浸润与转移的评估价值。 方法 65例经病理证实的进展期胃癌,均经螺旋CT平扫+增强扫描,其中15例做了双期 (动脉期、门静脉期)扫描,10例做了三期 (动脉期、门静脉期、平衡期)扫描,其他只做单期 (门静脉期)扫描。结果 螺旋CT对进展期胃癌检出率100%,进展期胃癌的CT表现是:胃壁增厚,软组织肿块,癌性溃疡,胃腔狭窄,肿瘤侵犯周围组织与转移等,对进展期胃癌的诊断是可靠的。 结论 螺旋CT扫描不但能对进展期胃癌作出正确诊断,而且能发现有否周围浸润及远处转移等情况,有助于临床制定出合理的治疗方案。
      Objective To evaluate the imaging manifestations,the adjacent structures invasion and distal metastasis of advanced gastric cancer with spirial CT scanning. Methods Sixty-five patients with pathologically-proved advanced gastric cancer were examined by plain and enhanced CT scan, 15 cases had biphasic (arterial-dominant phase,portal-dominant phase)spiral CT scanning.Ten cases had triphasic (arterial-dominant phase,portal-dominant phase,equilibrium phase).The rest only had portal phase spiral CT scanning. Results With spiral CT scanning,the detecting rate of advanced gastric cancer was 100%. The main CT features of advanced gastric cancer were thickened gastric wall,soft tissue mass, maligant ulcer, gastric cavity stenosis. Direct infiltration and distal metastasis were also CT features of advanced gastric cancer. The diagnosis of gastric cancer with spiral CT was reliable. Conclusion Spiral CT scanning could not only correctly diagnose advanced gastric cancer, but also could demonstrate the direct infiltration of adjacet structures or distal mestastasis.It could give rational therapeutic plan before treatment.
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