杜秀勤,温平贵,陈喜中,韩静.肝肾囊肿 CT引导介入治疗后疗效观察[J].中国医学影像技术,2002,18(10):1038~1039
肝肾囊肿 CT引导介入治疗后疗效观察
Curative Effect of Hepatic and Renal Cysts Treated by CT Guided Sclerosing Therapy
中文关键词:  CT导引  肝囊肿  肾囊肿  介入治疗  观察
英文关键词:CT guided  Hepatic cyst  Renal cyst  Interposition treatment  Observation
杜秀勤 河南省周口市中心医院CT&MR室,河南周口 466000 
温平贵 河南省周口市中心医院CT&MR室,河南周口 466000 
陈喜中 河南省周口市中心医院CT&MR室,河南周口 466000 
韩静 河南省周口市中心医院CT&MR室,河南周口 466000 
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      目的 CT导引下肝肾囊肿 穿刺抽吸硬化治疗及疗效观察。方法 肝囊肿18例,肾囊肿31例,肝肾囊 肿共计49例,囊肿大小为3.8~11.2cm,使用20G,7.5~15cm长度的穿刺针,抽出囊液22~4 80ml,注入99.7%的无水酒精,治疗后对所有病例进行随访,最长为一年。结果 总有效率为100%,治愈率为85.7%,无并发症。结论 此疗法操作简 单,定位准确,创伤小,疗效好,是一理想的治疗手段。
      Purpose To observe the efficacy of the CT guide d puncture and drawing sclerosis therapy of liver and renal cysts. Methods Forty-nine patients (18 with liver cyst,31 with renal cyst) were treated with percutaneous aspiration fluid method.The size of cysts ranged from 3.8cm to 11.2cm.The amount of aspirated fluid varied from 22ml to 480ml.The needles were 20G in diameter and 7-15cm in length.Pure alcohol (99.7%)was injected into the cavities afte r aspiration.For a year after their treatment,we visited all the patients and got some information. Results The efficacy rate was 100%,and the cure rate was 85.7%,there was no complication. Conclusion This therapy can be considered as an ideal and efficacious method because it is easy to operate,accurate to fix the position of cyst,and it gives little wounds and pains to the patients,furthermore,it is great efficacious.
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