Analysis of CT Scan for Sacroiliac Joint in Ankylosing Spondylitis
中文关键词:  强直性脊柱炎  骶髂关节  断层摄影术,X线计算机
英文关键词:Ankylosing spondylitis  Sacroiliac joint  Tomography,X-ray computed
赵卫东 山西医科大学第二医院医学影像科,山西太原 030001 
王峻 山西医科大学第二医院医学影像科,山西太原 030001 
王新文 山西医科大学第二医院医学影像科,山西太原 030001 
牛金亮 山西医科大学第二医院医学影像科,山西太原 030001 
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全文下载次数: 901
      目的 探讨对强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者骶髂关节CT扫描的选择和影像分析方法。方法 收集980例疑诊强直性脊柱炎患者的骶髂关节X线及CT资料为研究对象,对二者的诊断及征象显示情况进行了对比。结果 X线显示502例异常,CT显示579例异常。在X线诊断为0~Ⅳ级骶髂关节病变的各组中,CT结果与之符合的比率分别为43%、35%、48%、71%和78%。根据CT所示可以分别将57%、29%、33%X线平片诊断正常及Ⅰ、Ⅱ级病变的病例提高1~3个诊断级别。结论 CT扫描可以清晰显示骶髂关节病变的细节,因而有助于对较早期病变的及时和准确定级;而对于X线上病变表现明显的病例,如果单为诊断则无做CT检查的必要。
      Objective To investigate the rule to choose the candidates for sacroiliac joints CT scan in patients with ankylosing spondylitis(AS) and the analysis of their images. Methods All the 980 cases suspected AS by clinical appearances and /or laberary tests were candidates. Their conventional radiology and CT scan features were studied and compared. Results Positive cases were 502 by X-ray and 579 by CT. During the five parts of 0-Ⅳ degree sacroiliac joints diagnosed by X-ray film, CT results were consistent in 43%, 35%, 48%, 71%, and 78% separately. According to CT findings, X-ray could improve the diagnosis by 1-3 grades. Conclusion CT scan is much better than X-ray film in finding out minute changes, making an earlier diagnosis of the sacroilitis and getting a precise grading because of its higher resolution power for small signs. For patients with significant X-ray abnormalities CT scan does not seem to be necessary in only getting a diagnosis.
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