X-Ray Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Mandible Odontogenic Keratocyst
中文关键词:  下颌骨  角化囊肿  X线诊断
英文关键词: Mandible  Keratocyst  X-ray diagnosis
郭爱华 山东省医学影像学研究所,山东 济南 250021 
唐继尧 山东省医学影像学研究所,山东 济南 250021 
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      目的 分析牙源性角化囊肿的临床与X线特点,提高对本病的X线诊断与鉴别诊断的能力。方法 52例术前均行颌骨X线正位、侧位摄片,其中26例加照颌骨曲面体层摄影。结果 52例均经手术病理证实为颌骨牙源性角化囊肿,术前确诊44例,误诊8例,诊断准确率为84.6%。术后随访52例,24例复发,占46.1%。结论 复发率高,侵蚀性强,为其临床特点。X线特点:单房、多房和多发,以多房居多。
      Objective The characteristics of clinical and radiological of mandible odontogenic keratocyst were analysed significantly.The purpose was to know them well in X-ray diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Methods Fifty-two cases of mandible odontogenic keratocyst had been taken P-A and Lat. X-ray film before operation,in one of them 26 cases had for orthopantomography. Results Fifty-two cases of mandible odontogenic keratocyst were confirmed by pathology. Forty-four cases were made a correct dignosis and 2 cases an erroneous diagnosis as dentigerous cyst;6 cases an erroneous diagnosis as ametoblastoma before operation. The correctness rate was 84.6%.There were 24 patients recured after operation and the rate of recur was 46.1%. Conclusion Easy recurrence and strong invasiveness were the characteristics of clinic for mandible odontogenic keratocyst.The radiological findings were uniloculus,multiloculus and multiple cyst with the multiloculus being more common.
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