Experimental Study of CT and MRI Detection of Intraocular Non-Metallic Foreign Bodies
中文关键词:  眼异物  体层摄影术,X线计算机  磁共振成像
英文关键词:Eye foreign bodies  Tomography,X-ray computed  Magnetic resonance imaging
刁金中 武警江苏总队医院影像科,江苏扬州 225003 
黄志兰 第四军医大学西京医院放射科 
张迎光 第一军医大学珠江医院放射科 
施丁一 武警江苏总队医院影像科,江苏扬州 225003 
杨宏美 武警江苏总队医院影像科,江苏扬州 225003 
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全文下载次数: 1456
      目的 探讨CT和MRI诊断眼部非金属异物的价值和限度。方法 对8种大小约3~5mm的非金属异物包括干木屑、湿木屑、干竹签、湿竹签、棉线、塑料、玻璃、石块,随机植入10只犬20个眼球内或球后,做CT平扫,并对其中2只犬做了MRI平扫。结果 共植入32枚异物,CT检出30枚,2枚未检出,其中一枚为湿木屑、另一枚为棉线,此2只犬做了MRI平扫,异物全部检出。结论 CT能检出大部分眼部非金属异物,但对等密度异物检出有一定的困难。MRI对非金属异物的检出较CT更具有优势,MRI是CT的必要补充。
      Objective To discuss the value and limitation of CT and MRI in the detection of intraocular non-metallic foreign bodies. Methods Eight kinds of non-metallic foreign bodies (3-5mm) including wood (dry and wet),bamboo (dry and wet),cotton thread,plastic,glass and stone, were randomly lodged into 20 orbital regions of 10 dogs (intraocularly and extraocularly). CT and MRI scan were performed. Results Thirty of the 32 foreign bodies could be detected by computed tomography, the other two foreign bodies which could not be seen on CT films were wet wood and cotton thead. MRI was performed to the two dogs with the two foreign bodies and could detect them. Conclusion CT can detect most of the non-metallic foreign bodies,but has some difficulties with medium density foreign bodies. MRI has a lot of advantages in dealing with these foreign bodies, which is a necessary complement to computed tomography.
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