Clinical Application Value of Multi-Slice Helical CT in Airway disease
中文关键词:  气道疾病  体层摄影技术  X线计算机  图像处理
英文关键词:Airway disease  Tomography, X-ray computed  Imaging processing
于红 上海第二军医大学附属长征医院影像科,上海 200003 
李惠民 上海第二军医大学附属长征医院影像科,上海 200003 
李成州 上海第二军医大学附属长征医院影像科,上海 200003 
刘士远 上海第二军医大学附属长征医院影像科,上海 200003 
肖湘生 上海第二军医大学附属长征医院影像科,上海 200003 
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      目的 研究多层螺旋CT(MSCT)气道扫描及其后处理的临床应用。方法 53例健康志愿者和46例肺部疾病患者,行MSCT扫描后进行多层面/曲面重建(MPR/CPR),三维重建(3D),"四维重建"(4D-Angio)和仿真内窥镜成像(VE)。结果 4种后处理方法对气道显示均可达亚段(4级)或以下支气管,对各种解剖及相互关系的显示各有优点,且互相弥补。结论 多层螺旋CT图像清晰,各种后处理对病变的显示直观,有利于对病变的整体理解。横断面结合多种后处理综合显示可对气道疾病作出较完善的评价。
      Objective To study the clinical application of bronchotracheal scan and reconstruction. Methods Fifty-three normal volunteers and 45 patients underwent multi-slice helical CT scan. Images were transfered to workstation and 4 kinds of postprocessing including multiple/curved planar reconstruction (MPR/CPR),3-dimensional reconstruction, 4D-Angio and virtual endoscopy. Results The forth order bronchi or smaller could be depicted by the four kinds of postprocessing, which had respective advantage in appearing the anatomy and relations. Conclusion MSCT can make very good axial and processed images which clearly display the lesions and make them wholly apprehended. Combination of the axial and postprocessing images can be helpful to evaluate the lesion perfectly.
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