The Radiological Features of Pneumocysis Carinii Pneumonia
中文关键词:  艾滋病  X线诊断  CT诊断  卡氏肺囊虫病
英文关键词:AIDS  X-ray diagnosis  CT diagnosis  Pneumocysis carinii pneumonia
鲁植艳 武汉大学中南医院放射科,湖北武汉 340071 
胡浩 武汉大学中南医院放射科,湖北武汉 340071 
刘骏方 武汉大学中南医院放射科,湖北武汉 340071 
何稻荪 武汉大学中南医院放射科,湖北武汉 340071 
桂希恩 武汉大学中南医院感染科,湖北武汉 340071 
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      目的 分析艾滋病(AIDS)合并卡氏肺囊虫肺炎(PCP)的影像学特征。方法 收集11例血液HIV抗体阳性,且临床诊断为PCP患者(并经病理证实)的临床资料。影像学观察采用X线胸片,其中9例行CT检查。结果 11例患者的肺部均表现为弥漫性病变。其中,9例肺呈小叶浸润,病变肺叶为毛玻璃状,双肺可见广泛分布的网结节状影,其结节直径≤1cm,沿小叶中心分布,病变由肺门向肺外带发展,自下肺逐渐向上肺蔓延。大叶实变2例,表现为一叶或多叶实变,伴有肺气囊改变。结论 卡氏肺囊虫肺炎具有特征性影像学改变,影像学检查可达到鉴别诊断的目的,可代替病原学检查。
      Objective To analyze the radiological features of the pneumocysis carinii pneumonia in AIDS. Methods Collect the clinical information of 11 cases which were diagnosed as PCP and were HIV-antibody sercpositive. All cases adopted plan chest radiology and computed tomography (CT) was performed in 9 cases. Results Diffuse pulmonary infiltration was observed in 11 cases, while 9 patients showed lobule soakage. The lobule soakaged was ground-glass attenuation. We observed that multiple, irregular nodules (D≤1cm) in both sides of the lung field. It had a centrilobular distribution of nodules. PCP expanded from inferior lobe to upper lung. Two cases had lobar consolidation. Predominant findings included solid infiltration (one or multiple lobar) and multiple thin-wall cysts common. Conclusion PCP had a typical chest X-ray and CT findings. The pulmonary radiological signs can help to find out the potential infections cause.
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