Lower Extremity Alignment Analysis of Varus Knee with X-ray Image
中文关键词:  膝内翻  膝关节置换  软组织平衡
英文关键词:Varus knee  Total knee replacement (TKR)  Soft tissue balance
周殿阁 北京大学人民医院关节病研究所,北京 100044 
吕厚山 北京大学人民医院关节病研究所,北京 100044 
杜湘珂 北京大学人民医院放射科,北京 100044 
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      目的 分析骨性关节炎膝内翻的成因以及关节置换手术的矫正效果。方法 对100例145个骨性关节炎膝内翻关节置换手术前后的负重位X线片进行测量,分别测量关节面夹角、胫骨平台角和胫内翻角度。结果 全部膝内翻患者内翻角度平均为9.2°±3.1°(5°~30°),其中关节周围软组织失衡占内翻总角度比例为53.2%,而胫骨机械性内翻角度只占总内翻角度的22.8%,胫骨平台关节面磨损及胫骨平台倾斜占总内翻角度的24%。术后测量表明,平均胫骨平台截骨矫正度数为4.3°,占膝内翻矫正度数的27.9%。通过软组织平衡方法矫正的度数为10.7°,占膝内翻矫正度数的72.1%。结论 骨性关节炎膝内翻角度的组成有两方面:骨结构性内翻和软组织失衡性内翻。其中软组织失衡性内翻大于骨结构性内翻。因此在膝内翻全膝关节置换术中,软组织松解与平衡与切骨同等重要。
      Objective To analysis the contribution of varus knee with osteoarthritis and investigate the role of soft tissue balance in total knee replacement(TKR) of varus knee. Methods 100 cases 145 knees were analyzed by measuring the load-bearing X-ray images of preoperation and postoperation to investigate the angle as below: angle between articular surface of femur and tibia; tibial plateau angle and tibial constructive varus angle. Results The total varus angle of the knee is 9.2°±3.1°(5°-30°). Average angle between femoral and tibial articular surface is 53.2% of total varus angle, tibial constructive varus angle is only 22.8% of total varus angle, tibial plateau angle is 24% of total varus angle. Of postoperative images, the average bone cutting angle of tibia is 4.3°(27.9% of total corrective angle), average corrective angle through soft tissue balance is 10.7° (72.1% of total corrective angle). Conclusion For TKR of varus knees like this, correct ligament release and soft tissue balance is important as bone cutting.
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