The Ultrasonic Evaluation of Vessel Stenosis on Arteriosclerotic Occlusive Disease in Preoperation
中文关键词:  动脉硬化闭塞症  超声诊断  狭窄
英文关键词:Arteriosclerotic occlusive disease  Ultrasound diagnosis  Stenosis
崔复霞 北京安贞医院超声科,北京 100029 
孙慧 北京安贞医院超声科,北京 100029 
赵青 北京安贞医院超声科,北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 1278
全文下载次数: 580
      目的 探讨动脉硬化闭塞症狭窄程度的超声评估及对手术治疗的应用。方法 对102例患者双侧血管术前进行准确的超声检测,用二维及彩色多普勒图像显示的管壁结构,管腔内回声,配合彩色血流测量管腔内外径,进行频谱分析。结果 轻度狭窄管腔内径小于外径的2/3,血流速度增快。中度狭窄管腔内径小于外径的1/2, 血流速度增快不明显。 重度狭窄管腔内径小于外径的1/3, 血流速度明显降低。闭塞时管腔内径小于1mm无血流通过。结论 超声对临床手术方式选择及对术后检查有重
      Objective To explore the ultrasound evaluation of stenostic degree of arteriosclerotic occlusive disease and its usage in operation. Methods Using 2-D ultrasound and color Doppler imaging methods, both side arteries were examined and compared with each other for 102 cases before operation. The artery wall structures and luminal status were displayed, the inner and outer diameters were measured with help of color flow imaging and their flow frequency spectrum was analyzed. Results The inner diameters of the mild stenostic lumen was less than the 2/3 of their outer diameter and its blood velocity was higher; in moderate stenostic lumens the inners were less than 1/2 of their outer and their blood velocity was not so obviously higher; in sever cases the inners were less than 1/3 of their outers and their blood velocity was much lower; in the obstructed arteries the inners were less than 1 mm and no flow passed it. Conclusion Ultrasound examination is of great values in choose the way of operations and is comparable with post-operations.
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