Study of Postthrombotic Syndrome of the Legs by Hemodynamic
中文关键词:  下肢静脉血栓后遗症  彩色多普勒血流显像  挤压小腿腓肠肌和流量指数
英文关键词:Postthrombotic syndrome of lower extremity  Color Doppler flow imaging  Squeeze gastrocnemius of lower extremity and blood flowing index number
徐秋华 上海第二医科大学第九人民医院超声诊断科,上海 200011 
燕山 上海第二医科大学第九人民医院超声诊断科,上海 200011 
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      目的 用彩色多普勒血流显像评价下肢静脉血栓后遗症的血流动力学异常。方法 通过挤压小腿腓肠肌以增加血流量和用流量指数来评估下肢血流动力学变化。结果 统计学表明股浅、股总和髂外静脉段的流量指数随病程的进程均可增大,说明回流障碍有明显改善。结论 本文数据表明B组侧支循环代偿情况较A组更好,对回流障碍的代偿能力更大。挤压小腿腓肠肌可以从体外协助增加血流量,这更符合生理情况。
      Purpose The hemodynamic abnormality of the postthrombotic syndrome of the legs was evaluated by color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI). Methods The hemodynamics change of the legs postthrombotic syndrome was evaluated by both the gastrocnemius of lower extremity was squeezed to increase the blood flow and blood flowing index number. Results Statistics showes that blood flowing index number of superfiaial femoral vein, femoral vein and external iliac vein is larger for course of disease, it explains the distinct improvement of obstacle of back flow. Conclusion The study proves that compensation of lateral circulation of group B is better than group A, compensative energy of obstacle of back flow of the group B is better than group A. It is in keeping with physiological action that the gastrocnemius of lower extremity was squeezed to increase the blood flow.
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