王建华,周康荣,颜志平,程洁敏,王小林.小肝癌的介入治疗研究(附42 例报告)[J].中国医学影像技术,2000,16(11):925~927
小肝癌的介入治疗研究(附42 例报告)
Study of Interventional Therapy for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma( A Report of 42 Cases)
中文关键词:  小肝癌/ 治疗  栓塞,治疗性
英文关键词:Small hepatocellular carcinoma/ therapy  Embolization ,therapeutic
基金项目:本研究为国家“九五”科技攻关项目( 962907203201) 。
王建华 上海医科大学附属中山医院放射科,上海 200032 
周康荣 上海医科大学附属中山医院放射科,上海 200032 
颜志平 上海医科大学附属中山医院放射科,上海 200032 
程洁敏 上海医科大学附属中山医院放射科,上海 200032 
王小林 上海医科大学附属中山医院放射科,上海 200032 
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      目的探讨小肝癌的介入治疗效果和影响因素。方法用介入法治疗42 例小肝癌,并用COX 回归模型 对其进行生存分析。结果①42 例小肝癌肝动脉造影显示26 例肿瘤血管丰富,37 例有肿瘤染色,其中34 例为结节 状染色。②用Kaplan-Meier 法计算42 例小肝癌介入治疗后的1 ,3 ,5 年生存率分别为88 %(37/ 42) ,74 %(31/ 42) , 51 %(21/ 42) 。③Cox 回归分析显示临床分期、分型和肿瘤灶内碘油沉积情况显著影响小肝癌的介入疗效。结论 ①小肝癌的诊断依据除肿瘤血管外,最重要的是结节状肿瘤染色。②小肝癌的介入疗效显著,应成为一项重要的非 手术治疗方案。
      Purpose To investigate the curative effect and influential factors of SHCC treated by interventional therapy. Methods Forty-two patients with SHCC were treated by interventional therapy Some possible prognostic factors were analysed with Cox proportional hazard regression model. Results ①Hepatic arteriographic manifestations :26 of 42 cases SHCC revealed rich tumor vessels ,37 tumor stain including 34 with nodular stain. ②The overall 1 ,3 ,5 year survival rates of SHCC using Kaplan-Meier method were 88 %(37/ 42) ,74 %(31/ 42) ,51 %(21/ 42) ,respectively. ③Clinical staging and typing of the patients ,and accumulation of Lipiodol within the tumor obviously influenced interventional effects of SHCC. Conclusions ①The most important diagnostic angiographic sign of SHCC is tumor staining ,besides tumor vessels. ②Interventional therapy of SHCC has an ideal effect and should be an important nonoperable curative method.
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