陈辉,周新平,顾占军,杨睿.CT 对小乳癌及腋窝淋巴结转移的诊断及对手术方式选择的指导价值[J].中国医学影像技术,2000,16(8):662~663
CT 对小乳癌及腋窝淋巴结转移的诊断及对手术方式选择的指导价值
Evaluation of CT Scan in the Diagnosis and Operation Choice ofthe Mini2Breast Cancer and Axillary Lymphatic Metastasis
中文关键词:  CT扫描  小乳癌  隐性乳癌  腋窝淋巴结
英文关键词:CT scan  Mini-breast cancer  Occult breast cancer  Axillary lymphatic metastasis
陈辉 卫生部北京医院普外科,北京 100730 
周新平 卫生部北京医院普外科,北京 100730 
顾占军 卫生部北京医院放射科,北京 100730 
杨睿 卫生部北京医院普外科,北京 100730 
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      目的 探讨CT 扫描对小乳癌、隐匿性乳癌及腋窝淋巴结转移的诊断及对手术方式选择的指导价值。方法 采用俯卧位或仰卧位,扫描范围一般自乳房下界至腑窝顶,发现病变部位行薄层扫描,快速注入造影剂后测量相应层面的最高CT 值。结果 CT 扫描对小乳癌诊断准确性明显优于其它影像诊断方法,腋窝淋巴结转移的诊断假阳性及假阴性率较高。结论 CT 扫描对小乳癌的诊断有一定价值。因腋窝淋巴结转移的诊断假阴性及假阳性率较高,对手术方式的选择仅供参考,不能作为依据。
      Objective  To investigate the evaluation of CT scan in the diagnosis and operation choice of the mini-breastcancer ,occult cancer and axillary lymphatic metastasis. Methods  In supine or prone position ,scan rangs is from inferiormargin of the breast to the roof of the axillary fossa. If abnormal are fond ,additional thin slices are performed with contrast . Results  The diagnostic accuracy of CT scan is significant higher than other image exams ,but the false postive andfalse negative rates are guite high in occult breast cancer and axillary lymphatic metastasis. Conclusion  CT scan has someevaluation in mini-breast cancer diagnosis ,but it is not suitable to evaluate the axillary lymphatic metastasis ,it can not be thefoundation of operation choice.
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