佟丹,赵永生,赵锋.支气管黏液嵌塞的CT 诊断[J].中国医学影像技术,2000,16(8):654~655
支气管黏液嵌塞的CT 诊断
CT Diagnosis of Bronchial Mucoid Impaction
中文关键词:  支气管  黏液嵌塞  CT  高分辨率CT
英文关键词:Bronchus  Mucoid impaction  Computed tomography(CT)  High resolution CT(HRCT)
佟丹 白求恩医科大学第一临床学院CT 科,吉林长春 130021 
赵永生 白求恩医大三院放射线科 
赵锋 白求恩医科大学第一临床学院CT 科,吉林长春 130021 
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      目的 研究支气管黏液嵌塞的CT 表现,以提高对其诊断水平。方法 本组14 例,包括肺癌5 例,支气管扩张4 例,支气管肺曲菌病3 例,肺炎和肺结核各1 例。全部病历均有X 线胸部平片及常规胸部CT 扫描和10 例做了HRCT。结果 CT 见支气管黏液嵌塞表现为树枝状占71.4 % ,小棒状14.3 % ,串珠状14.3 %。其显著特点是主轴指向肺门,且与支气管走向一致,伴有支气管扩张。结论 CT 扫描是发现和诊断支气管黏液嵌塞的良好方法。
      Objective  To study the CT menifestations of bronchial mucoid impactions to improve diagnostic efficacy.Methods  14 patients with bronchial impaction included lung cancer 5 ,bronchiectasis 4 ,pneunonia 1 ,pulmonary tuberculosis 1 ,ABPA 3. There were X-ray films ,conventional CT in all of patients with bronchial mucoid impactions and HRCT in10 cases. Results  The CT showed mucoid impaction as thick ,branching structures resembling branches of tree 71. 4 % ,small clubs 14. 3 % ,multiple spherical shape 14. 3 %. A prominent feature of bronchial mucoid impaction on CT ,in whichits axis pointed to the hilum ,completely consistent with the branching and distribution of the bronchi ,and accompanied bybronchiectasis. Conclusion  CT examination is an optinal approach to find out bronchial mucoid impacvtion.
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