Study of Apoptosis in Different Age Rat Testes af ter Diagnostic Ultrasound Radiation
中文关键词:  睾丸  超声  凋亡
英文关键词:Testes  Ultrasound  Apoptosis
杜联芳 同济医科大学附属同济医院超声科,湖北武汉 430030 
张青萍 同济医科大学附属同济医院超声科,湖北武汉 430030 
刘望彭 山西医科大学附属第一医院 
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全文下载次数: 43
      目的 探讨诊断超声对不同发育阶段大鼠睾丸组织生精细胞凋亡的影响。方法 36 只SD 雄性大鼠随 机分为6 组。应用HP8500 彩超仪对大鼠睾丸进行30 min 持续照射,24h 后取睾丸进行凋亡检测。结果 不同年龄 组生精细胞均有不同程度的细胞凋亡,以出生后30d 凋亡细胞数最多,随年龄增长凋亡细胞数有减少趋势。超声照 射30min 后各实验组凋亡细胞数均有显著增加。结论 不同发育阶段大鼠睾丸生精细胞凋亡率不同,超声照射 30min 后可引起各组生
      Objective To investigate the germ cell apoptosis in different age rat testes after diagnostic ultrasound. Methods 36 male Sprague-Danles rats were randomly separated into six groups of six according to different ages. Rat testes were radiated by HP 8500 color Doppler sonography with 7. 5MHz linear phased array transducer for 30 minutes. Their testes were removed at 24 hour after radiation. Apoptosis was detected with TUNEL (in situterminal deoxynucleotityl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) . Results The incidence of testicular germ cell apoptosis in all groups was detected and peaked at post-birth 30 days ; after radiation apoptotic incidence in all experimental groups was significantly higher than control groups ( P < 01001) . Conclusion Germ cell apoptotic incidence varied in different age rat ; radiation continuously 30 minutes by diagnostic ultrasound may result in germ cell apoptosis increasing in the different age rat testes.
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