Use of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing with Echocardiography in the PrognosticAssessment of Patients with Lef t Ventricular Dysfunction
中文关键词:  充血型心力衰竭  心肺运动试验  心脏超声心动图  左室功能
英文关键词:Chronic heart failure  Cardiopulmonary exercise testing  Echocardiography  Left ventricular function
刘晓惠 首都医科大学心血管研究所附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心,北京100020 
吴雅峰 首都医科大学心血管研究所附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心,北京100020 
胡大一 首都医科大学心血管研究所附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心,北京100020 
吴江 首都医科大学心血管研究所附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心,北京100020 
朱天刚 首都医科大学心血管研究所附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心,北京100020 
徐琳 首都医科大学心血管研究所附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心,北京100020 
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      目的 通过心肺运动负荷超声心动图(CPETUCG) 评价左心衰病人左心功能的严重程度及病人的预后。 方法 45 例心衰病人,进行CPETUCG。运动前、运动高峰和运动后分别测定LVEF ,LVEDV ,CO ,运动耐量, Peak VO2 和VO2 AT ,根据静息,LVEF < 40 %为A 组12 例,LVEF > 40 %为B 组33 例。结果 运动高峰LVEF 在A 组显 著下降,LVEDV 升高且运动耐量,最大
      Objective Evaluation the left ventricular function and prognosis in the patients with left ventricular dysfunction by use CPETUCG. Methods CPETUCG was performed in 45 patients with left ventricular dysfunction ,LVEF. LVEDV. CO METs. Peak VO2 ,VO2 AT were determined before exercise. peak exercise and after exercise. Results Group A peak exercise left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was decreased and left ventricular end diastodic volume (LVEDU) was increased compared with B group ,and exercise capacity ,Peak VO2 and VO2AT were significant lower than B Group. During a follow-up of 1. 6 years ,There are 4 patients died in Group A. Conclusion Use of CPETUCG can identify high risk patients with left ventricular dysfunction and evaluate left ventricular reserved function.
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