Comparative Analysis between Intravenous Urography (IVU) and MR Urography(MRU)
中文关键词:  泌尿系疾病  尿路造影  磁共振成像  比较研究
英文关键词:Urinary disease  Intravenous urography  Magnetic resonance urography  Comparative study
尤志军 西安第四军医大学西京医院CT室,陕西西安 
刘豆豆 第四军医大学口腔医院影像科 
刘满生 西安第四军医大学西京医院CT室,陕西西安 710032 
方虹 西安第四军医大学西京医院CT室,陕西西安 710032 
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      目的 比较静脉尿路造影( IVU) 与磁共振尿路成像(MRU) 的影像特点及临床价值,为临床选择最佳检 查方法提供参考。方法 33 例泌尿系疾病患者同时做MRU 和IVU ,对两种检查方法所得影像的显示结果、定性诊 断的符合率进行比较分析。结果 IVU 与MRU 比较,在显示肾盂肾盏(96.4 %;93.9 %) 、输尿管(85.7 %;93.9 %) 及梗阻平面的定位(89.3 %;90.9 %) 方面,二者无显著差异。在定性诊断的符合率方面,对肿瘤和炎性病变的定性 诊断,MRU 结合MRI 的准确率高于IVU。对肾及输尿管畸形的诊断,二者无明显差别,对肾脏及输尿管结石MRU 的诊断符合率比IVU 略低。结论 MRU 只在碘过敏实验阳性、IVU 不显影及其它不适宜做IVU 的患者才考虑,对做其它检查诊断与鉴别诊断有困难时,MRU 可作为其补充。
      Objective To compare the imagical features and clinical value between IVU and MRU for providing the best choice method to clinicians. Methods 33 patients with urinary diseases were analysed the imagical features and qualitative diagnosis both IVU and MRU techniques. Results IVU and MRU patients were compared to displaying the renal pelvis and renal calices were 96. 4 % and 93. 9 % ,the ureter was 85. 7 % and 93. 9 % ,the postition of obstructive level was 89. 3 % and 90. 9 %. There are not statistical differential between the two methods. The accurate rate of MRU combine with MRI is higher than IVU in the side of tumor and inflammatory disease. It is equal accurate of IVU and MRU for renal and ureter malformations ,but it is lower accurate for urinary stone. Conclusion When the patients was hypersensitivity for iodine or the patients was not suitable for IVU ,the MRU was a complement technique.
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