Carotid Artery Ultrasonography in Stroke Patients
中文关键词:  脑血管病  动脉粥样硬化  颈动脉  超声
英文关键词:Cerebrolvascular disease  Atherosclerosis  Carotid artery  Ultrasonography
卫华 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
华杨 首都医科大学宣武医院超声波室,北京 100053 
王拥军 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
颜振瀛 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
王萍 首都医科大学宣武医院超声波室,北京 100053 
凌晨 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
陈述 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
吴静 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
赵逸 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053 
摘要点击次数: 2400
全文下载次数: 61
      目的 探讨脑血管病患者颈动脉粥样硬化的发生率及病变程度,寻找颈动脉粥样硬化的主要危险因素。 方法 对脑血管病患者297 例及对照组96 例,采用双功能彩色多普勒超声探察颅外颈动脉,观察动脉粥样硬化程 度。结果 脑血管病人颅外颈动脉粥样硬化斑块检出率63.0 % ,对照组36.5 %。脑梗塞患者颈动脉狭窄> 50 %的 发生率显著高于脑出血患者及对照组(15.6 % ,4.3 % ,2.1 % , P < 0.05) 。随年龄增长,颈动脉粥样硬化程度逐渐增 加,但颈动脉狭窄> 75 %者在61~70 岁年龄组发生率最高,高龄组反而下降。结论 颈动脉粥样硬化与脑血管病 之间存在密切关系,重视颈动脉的超声检查对预防和治疗脑血管病具有重要意义。
      Objectvie To assess the prevalence and severity of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with acute cerebrolvascular diseases and detect the risk factor of carotid atherosclerosis. Methods 297 patients with cerebrovascular disease and 96 control subjects were examined with color duplx sonography for evaluating the extracranial. Results The prevalence of carotid plaque in stroke patients and control subjects were 63 % ,36. 5 % respectively. The incidence of carotid artery stenosis > 50 % in ischemic stroke patients was more than other two groups (15. 6 % ,4. 3 % ,2. 1 % respectively , P < 0. 05) . As ages goes by ,the severity of carotid atherosclerosis will be increeased ,but the most incidence of carotid stenosis > 75 % was group aged from 61~70 years and reduced over 70 years old. Conclusion There is a high prevalence of extracranial carotid atherosclerosis in Chinese stroke patients. The study demonstrates the clinical usefulness with high2resolution duplx ultrasonography for the evaluation of carotid atherosclerosis.
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