Doppler Color Echocardiographic OBservation of Left Atrial Systolic Function Following Conversion of Atrial FiBrillation in Patients
中文关键词:  彩色多普勒超声心动图  房颤  电转复  左房收缩功能
英文关键词:Doppler  color  echocardiogram  Atrial  fiBrillation  Electrical  conversion  Left  atrial  systolic  function
肖竹影 Department of Echocardiography,1st Clinical College of HarBin Medical University,HarBin 150001 
吴长君 Department of Echocardiography,1st Clinical College of HarBin Medical University,HarBin 150001 
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      目的:对房颤病人电转复后左房收缩功能的观察。方法:应用彩色多普勒超声心动图对20例房颤病人转复窦性心率者于复律后1小时, 24小时, 2周, 及4周分别测量二尖瓣口舒张期血流频谱的A峰流速, 判定房颤转复后心房收缩功能的恢复过程。结果:15例病人二尖瓣血流频谱A峰流速电转复后1小时0.30±0.10m/s增至第4周0.62±0.14m/s(P<0.001);2例病人24小时A峰流速恢复正常且大于E峰流速;1例病人至转复后4周仍未出现A峰。另2例病人转复后一周复颤, 其中1例未出现A峰, 1例仅出现低小的A峰, 且不随时间变化。结论:房颤转复后左房机械功能出现“顿抑”, 从而提供临床房颤转复后应给予适当的抗凝治疗。
      OBjective:To oBserve the restoration of left atrial systolic function after electrical conversion of atrial fiBrillation.Method:In 20 patients with atrial fiBrillation,Doppler color echocardiographic examination was performed to measure A peak flow rate using diastolic Blood flow frequency spectrum at the mitral orifice,1h,24h,2 and 4 weeks after conversion of atrial fiBrillation to sinus rhthm.Result:The A peak flow rate increased from 0.30±0.10m/s at 1h to 0.62±0.14m/s at 4 weeks after conversion in 15 cases ( P <0.001);returned to normal and Became more rapid than E peak flow rate in 2 cases.A peak did not appear within 4 weeks after conversion in one case.Atrial fiBrillation recurred one week after conversion in the remaining two cases,with A peak aBsent in one case and A peak Being low,small and unchanged with time in the other.Conclusion:Appropriate anticoagulant therapy should Be used following conversion in consideration of a highly possiBle depression of the left atrial mechanical function after clinical electrical conversion of atrial fiBrillation.
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