Multi Target Evaluation of Effects on Human Early Pregnancy Villous in Uteri after Exposed to Diagnostic Ultrasound
中文关键词:  宫内绒毛  诊断用超声  生物学效应
英文关键词:Intra uterus villous  Diagnostic ultrasound  Biological effects
贾建文 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
张武 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
苗立英 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
吕国荣 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
武淑英 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
符绍莲 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
刘斌 Dep.of Ultrasound Diagnosis ,The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University 
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      目的:为了客观评价诊断用超声对宫内早孕绒毛有无影响, 了解其量效关系以及损伤能否逆转。方法:应用日本产EUB200型实时超声诊断仪, 探头频率3.5MHz.将125正常早孕妇女随机分成正常对照组(Ⅰ组)、照射10分钟(Ⅱ组)、照射20分钟(Ⅲ组)、照射30分钟(Ⅳ组)和照30分钟后7~10天取材检测。各组在人工流产后取绒毛标本检测丙二醛、谷胱甘肽过氧化酶、DNA含量、染色体畸变率和绒毛细胞的形态学改变。结果:照射20分钟丙二醛含量增加, 谷胱甘肽过氧化酶活性下降, 照射30分钟DNA含量下降。上述改变于7~10天后基本恢复至正常对照组水平。染色体畸变率及绒毛细胞形态学各照射组与正常对照组无显着性差异。结论:诊断用超声对宫内早孕绒毛细胞的生化代谢和分子水平的损伤与照射时间有关, 照射30分钟以内所造成的损伤经7~10天可恢复至正常水平。诊断用超声对早孕妇女照射10分钟以内是安全的。
      Subject:To study whether the diagnostic ultrasound (DU)damage the human early pregnancy villous, to understand the relationship between quantity and effect of DU and whether the damage changes can become normal.\ [WTHZ]Methods:125 early pregnancy woman were random divided into five groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ and Ⅴ which were exposed to DU for 0, 10,20,30 and 30 minutes respectively with EUB 200, made in Japan(probe 3.5MHz).Patientsvillous samples of groups Ⅰ Ⅳ were collected soon, while V were collected after exposed 7 10 days. The MDA, GSH px,DNA content ,chromosome aberration rate and the cyto morphology changes were analyzed.Results:MDA and GSH px of human early pregnancy in uteri were increased and decreased respectively (P<0.01) for exposed to DU 20 minutes . The DNA content was decreased for exposed 30 minutes . These changes became normal after 7 10 days (group V).While there were no significant changes in chromosome aberration rate and the cyto morphology (P>0.05).Conclusion:Cyto biochemical metabolism changes and molecular damages of human early pregnancy villous resulted from DU refer to exposure time . The changes exposed exposed shorter than 30 minutes became normal within 7-10 days. For early pregnancy woman, being exposed to DU shorter than 10 minutes is safe .
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