Response of visual cortex to visual stimulation:a combining study of BOLD-fMRI and MR spectroscopy
投稿时间:2005-08-24  修订日期:2005-11-18
中文关键词:  磁共振成像,功能性  磁共振波谱学  视觉刺激
英文关键词:Magnetic resonance imaging, functional  Magnetic resonance spect roscopy  Visual stimulation
王志 卫生部北京医院放射科,北京100730 chenmin62@yahoo.com 
陈敏 卫生部北京医院放射科,北京100730  
周诚 卫生部北京医院放射科,北京100730  
孙非 通用电气医疗集团,北京 100176  
摘要点击次数: 1817
全文下载次数: 59
      目的 对视觉中枢进行BOLD2fMRI及MRS综合应用的研究。方法 10例健康受试者,男7例,女3例,年龄26~45 岁(平均33岁) ,常规头颅磁共振检查未发现颅内病变。所有受试者均接受一次fMRI及两次MRS检查。fMRI 检查采用组块化设计,活动期通过Goggle系统给予以10Hz闪烁的黑白棋盘格刺激,静息期给予黑屏刺激。fMRI检查结束后,利用MR 扫描仪上所带RTIP 软件找出兴奋灶的层面,然后在这个层面中进行MRS 检查。在第一次MRS检查中,给予黑屏刺激。在第二次MRS检查中给予受试者和fMRI 检查中相同的黑白棋盘格刺激。fMRI 数据使用SPM99处理,MRS 数据使用Functool 2 处理。结果 在fMRI 实验中,双侧枕叶有较明显的激活,双侧距状回则更加明显,激活最强点位于右侧距状回。MRS 实验中,可发现给予视觉刺激后NAA 峰高有一定程度的增高,Cho峰高有一定程度的降低,所以在距状回层面,双侧枕叶发现较明显的NAA/Cho 增高区。刺激前后NAA/Cho增加54.28 %(2. 103 ±0. 014 versus 3. 200±0. 061,P<<0.05,配对t检验)。而且fMRI所得兴奋区与MRS所得NAA/Cho增加区基本吻合。结论 视皮层的功能磁共振及磁共振波谱联合研究是可行的,其二者所得结果有一定的相关性和一致性。
      Objective To investigate the response of visual cortex to the visual stimulation using fMRI and MRS. MethodsTen healthy volunteers , including 7 males and 3 females, would undergo a fMRI test and two MRS test s. In the fMRItest , All volunteers would undergo five baseline periods and five activated periods (baseline or stimulus2activation , block de-sign) and could see black screen during the baseline periods and would be given the stimulation during the activated periodsthrough the a glasses of the Goggle Stimulation system of ResonanceTech Co. A st rongest activated slice could be found af terthe fMRI test . The ROIs of the two MRS test s would be placed on the visual cortex in that slice. All volunteers would seethe black screen in the first MRS scan and the same visual stimulation to the one of the activated period of the fMRI scan inthe second MRS scan. The fMRI result was postprocessed using SPM99 and the MRS result was postprocessed using Func-tool 2 software. Results In the fMRI test , the bilateral calcarine gyri were activated and the st rongest area was located in the right hemisphere. In the MRS test s, the NAA peak was increased and the Cho peak was decreased af ter giving the visualstimulation. The ratio of NAA/ Cho increased 54. 28 %(2.103 ±0. 014 versus 3. 200 ±0. 061 ,P<<0.05 ,pairedt test) . The activated area of fMRI test was basically consistent with the area of the increased NAA/ Cho area. Conclusion  The combi-ning study of fMRI and MRS is viable.
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