Digital subtraction CT angiography for detection of intracranial aneurysms
投稿时间:2006-08-26  修订日期:2007-02-21
中文关键词:  颅内动脉瘤  体层摄影术,X线计算机  数字减影血管造影
英文关键词:Intracranial aneurysms  Tomography, X-ray computed  Digital subtraction angiography
张志伟 重庆医科大学附属第一医院放射科,重庆 400016  
吕发金 重庆医科大学附属第一医院放射科,重庆 400016 fajinlv@163.com 
曾勇明 重庆医科大学附属第一医院放射科,重庆 400016  
何映红 重庆医科大学附属第一医院放射科,重庆 400016  
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      目的 探讨一种快速有效的自动去骨技术——数字减影CT血管造影术(DSCTA)在颅内动脉瘤中的临床应用。方法 对27例临床怀疑颅内动脉瘤患者按照DSCTA的扫描方法采集数据。即制定两组扫描参数相同的计划:螺旋采集平扫与增强扫描。然后用增强数据逐层减去平扫数据,自动去除骨与脑组织,只剩下血管影像。由两位放射医师分别在工作站上行常规与减影的容积再现(VR), 最大密度投影(MIP)和多平面重组(MPR)方法分析颅内血管。全部病例均行DSA检查。最后用四分法(4分:很好;3分:好;2分;可以接受;1分:差)来评价DSCTA图像质量。结果 27例患者中,DSA发现38个动脉瘤,DSCTA发现38个动脉瘤,常规CTA发现36个动脉瘤。DSCTA图像质量分析:4分,6例(22.2%),3分,15例,(55.6%),2分,6例(22.2%);没有一例图像质量评为差或不能诊断。结论 DSCTA能快速准确的自动去骨,更清晰显示颅内血管,特别是提高了颅底段血管的显示。
      Objective To investigate a fast and effective utility of digital subtraction CT angiography (DSCTA) for the detection of intracranial aneurysms. Methods Twenty-seven cases suspected to be intracranial aneurysms were examined by DSCTA. Two same scan protocols were prepared: unenhanced helical and enhanced CTA. Then, the CTA data subtract unenhanced data section-by-section removing bone and brain tissue, just vascular structures remain visible. Volume rendering (VR), maximum intensity projection (MIP) and multiplanar reformation (MPR) were used to analyze intracranial vessels on the graphics workstation by two radiologists. DSA was performed in all patients. The image quality of DSCTA was evaluated with a four-point scale (4: excellent; 3: good quality; 2: acceptable; 1: poor quality). Results In our study, 38 aneurysms were detected by DSA and DSCTA. 36 aneurysms were detected by conventional CTA. The image quality of DSCTA: 6 cases (22.2%) were rated 4; 15 cases (55.6%) were rated 3; 6 cases (22.2%) were rated 2. None of poor or no-diagnostic image quality were found. Conclusion DSCTA allows fast and effective elimination of bony structures, thus improving the visualization of arteries at the level of the skull base.
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